Exciting news!!


6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
While running around looking for sand I came across a pile of pallets at my local hardware store. I asked a sales person if they sold them and he directed me to the manager where I was told they sold them for the high price of ONE DOLLAR!!!
He did say that they have a guy who regularly comes and buys all they have so it might be a bit difficult to get a lot at one time but I'm just excited I found some! All the stores I've asked are required to send them back to wherever they came from.

So now my question is when building a coop out of pallets, do you use the pallets as the walls/floors and then cover with regular wood? OR do I build a normal frame and then pull apart the pallets and use the pieces as walls. Make sense? Would love advice from anyone who's used pallets, pictures would be awesome.

I'm still undecided if I'm going to build something I can walk into or if I'm going to build something off the ground.
Hi, I've just build mine with pallets. 6 on the floor and build up the sides with more pallets till my desired height then put hardwood on the outside and thinner on the inside. Didn't take any photos of the construction but have got this, although its changed a lot since. I've added an outside tube to fill food inside also made holes to retrieve the eggs. I'm no builder or carpenter and its turned out great.

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