Expiratory small wheeze


Sep 22, 2022
Winston-Salem, NC
Have a 20 week old Wyandotte who I noticed today is have wheezing on exhale. No other symptoms. Eating and drinking well. Held her and didn't note any gurgling/fluid in her lungs. She occasionally "squeaks" and shakes her head. I did notice it shortly after I let them out into our yard, which they rarely do. All of her coop mates are fine. Doesn't sound like a respiratory illness or gape worm to me. Anybody have any ideas? Thank you so much!
A squeak could be a sneeze, and head shaking can be a sign of a respiratory infection. I would watch for any other symptoms, such as bubbles in either eye or mucus from her nostrils and beak. She might be fine, or she could have a virus.
A squeak could be a sneeze, and head shaking can be a sign of a respiratory infection. I would watch for any other symptoms, such as bubbles in either eye or mucus from her nostrils and beak. She might be fine, or she could have a virus.
Went to check on the chickens this morning, and luckily, Pecky Becky seems to be back to 100%. No wheezing, eating and drinking fine, and pecking at me and all the other chickens. I'm going to keep an eye on her the next few days, but for now I'm chalking it up to her getting really excited/stressed about free ranging and my chasing and catching her didn't help.

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