extra chicks!!!???

We ordered 25 chicks from McMurray hatchery and ended up with 27, the 2 extra were roosters, a buff rock and a white cochin.
Got a free hen with our order of hens from Stromburg and a ? free from Meyer in the straightrun. It looks like most of the straightrun from Meyer is roos - possibly 20 out 26. No more straightrun orders for me. They're all healthy and happy but thats alot of roos! Or I think its alot of roos - its hard to tell.
We ordered 27 from Mcmurry, received 29. The extra WCBP is a roo, but our extra Minorca looks like her 6 sisters.

I was not expecting their sexing to be so accurate. 28 pullets - 1 roo, and the roo was the "straight run free exotic"
We ordered 25 [5 silkies, 5 speckled sussex, 7 welsummers, 8 ameraucanas] from X-Treme Game Birds, and got an extra ameraucana and an extra silkie. I think it's pretty standard.
I ordered 2 Buff Orps, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 White Leghorns, 2 Easter Eggers, and 2 Rhode Island Reds from My Pet Chicken. I received one extra Barred Rock.
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I ordered 4 pullets from Ideal and recieved 16 chicks. I just gave all the extras away, so I dont know if they were roos or hens.

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