Extreme broodieness!!!!!


5 Years
May 6, 2014
OMG my black rock has took being bloody to another level she been like it for nearly 3 weeks and so far nothing has detoured her she sits in nest box day and night if you take her out she puffs out on the food and sits for around 20/30 minutes then jumps up almost screaming runs around garden just continually clucking even comes in the house on the foot mat and scratches it up and lays there I have to lock coop up as others try to lay eggs and she is literally crawling under them as they lay causing a rage to start then fighting starts where they pull each other from the nest box believe it r not my daisybell has even changed her egg laying times to try and foil her she is locked out all day but as soon as she gets in at night same process.
I'm even having to watch for when the others are showing signs of wanting to lay and picking them up and putting them in nest box the silly thing is she is only roughly 7 months old I never had any broodiness from my others until they were around 12 months lol
You could try breaking her broodiness by putting her in a small coop or kennel that is raised off the ground. Of course, give her food and water, but leave her there for 4 days and see if that breaks it.

I don't have anything like that I'm taking it after a certain amount of time she will just snap out of it
Some do, some don't but what extended periods of broodiness does is makes the bird lose condition and more susceptible to diseases. I have read here on BYC that some birds actually starve themselves to death as a result.

All the best whatever you decide

You won't break her if you don't keep her off at night as well. It only works if she has no access 24 hrs a day. Every time she gets back on at night you go back to square one.

You need to come up with a way to lock her out of the nest box at night. Maybe put something in there so she can no longer fit at night?
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You need to confine her somewhere with no bedding to sit on.
A mesh bottomed cage elevated off the ground so her belly cools off.

My experience went like this: After her setting for 3 days and nights in the nest, I put her in a wire dog crate with smaller wire on the bottom but no bedding, set up on a couple of 4x4's right in the coop and I would feed her some crumble a couple times a day.

I let her out a couple times a day and she would go out into the run, drop a huge turd, race around running, take a vigorous dust bath then head back to the nest... at which point I put her back in the crate. Each time her outings would lengthen a bit, eating, drinking and scratching more and on the 3rd afternoon she stayed out of the nest and went to roost that evening...event over, back to normal tho she didn't lay for another week or two.

Water nipple bottle added after pic was taken.
Oh God I have nothing to put her in a lot have just said to let her get on with it and she will run her course now I'm really worried
Oh God I have nothing to put her in a lot have just said to let her get on with it and she will run her course now I'm really worried
I got that crate at a garage sale for $20, I bought another same size, with 2 doors, new for $60.
I've found they are worth their weight in gold when you are managing chickens, use them for all sorts of situations.

Sometimes they will stop brooding on their own, sometimes they won't.... and it's up to you to 'manage' them.

You might keep trying to take her out of the nest as many times a day as you can and also put her on the roost after dark.
I use a live trap to break broody's. If funds are tight at least that's a duel purpose investment that is cheaper than a dog crate and can still be of use after the broody is back to normal.
Lol I'm in UK so if I bought ur crate by the time I paid postage I think I be bankrupted lol as we speak she had come out her self and has been out for around 30 minutes my last one which was a road rock I thought was bad but broke her by holding her in water a couple of time and if I locked her out of the coop all day that also done it but this ive held her in water she has been out all day running around eating the same as others but as soon as coop opens she is in it does not seem to matter how long she is off nest for.
I will try moving her on to roost after dark I might also try moving nest boxes out see if that makes a difference

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