Extreme Cranial Swelling-Graphic pics

I am going to pick up some prednisone today and try it .. anyone know the dose? I am going to be gone for a few hours but will check back as soon as I get home.. thanks so much everyone..I am going to give the steroid a chance before I turn him over to the ext office.. and the breeder he came from does also have turkeys, I dont know how common it is in turkeys and I already messaged the breeder to ask if he had ever seen or dealt with anything like that and he said he hadnt and suggested a bee sting like my first thought.. Thanks again everyone..BYC has officially been bumped to my #1 site..evening beating out Facebook..lol.. this site has been a lifesaver and refuge !! <3
BobbieJo 81, don't be too surprised if there is a necropsy that E.coli and I.B. (infectious bronchitis) may be present, since they are secondary infections that frequently show up at the same time as Swollen Head Syndrome. Since he hasn't acted that sick he may not have them.
Pathfinders is that dose of selenium .25 micrograms?I was confused by the symbol : in front of it. As in 1/4 a microgram or 25 micrograms?
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He looks kind of funny but I feel sorry for him...I have no advice for you but I expect news about his improvement...hope he will get well soon
Do you have to have a script for the prednisone?
Yes, it's a prescription item, which was the only reason I ever took a chicken to a vet, to get it. I knew more than she did about the bird, which was fine, but still somewhat annoying to have to pay the office fee and the cost of the med when I knew more about the animal than the vet did (and this was billed as an "avian" vet too!)

Ah well, that's the way of it.
Pathfinders, I keep reading everywhere that Vitamin E can't be utilized without selenium. One of the posters had an online article from a vet about it. I know what you mean about the vets. My step daughter is a vet in another state, and before I got into chickens she flat out told me the only thing she was taught about chickens that she remembered was about bumblefoot.
Pathfinders, I keep reading everywhere that Vitamin E can't be utilized without selenium. One of the posters had an online article from a vet about it. I know what you mean about the vets. My step daughter is a vet in another state, and before I got into chickens she flat out told me the only thing she was taught about chickens that she remembered was about bumblefoot.
Wow, I didn't know that! Hmm. Well, for me it's a moot point because I'm long out of Silkies, and don't need it any more. But good to know, thanks!

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