Extremely swollen eye


5 Years
Dec 28, 2014
I have a 4.5 month EE with bubbles and swelling in her eye. This started about 5 days ago We immediately isolated her from the flock and so far no one else has shown symptoms. I have given her 5 injections of Tylan (.5 a day) but the swelling has gotten worse. I have also flushed her eye with saline and don't see anything in it. She is eating and drinking and has no other obvious symptoms. The swelling feels hard to the touch. Is this possibly mareks disease? One of the pictures is a bit blurry but I included it because you can see how much swelling there is (taken from above).Any advice is appreciated.


Is she new or have you added any new birds to your flock in recent weeks? Can you see anything around the eye that could be a peck mark? Tumors are possible around the eye, especially since it feels firm to touch. Was there a bad odor around her face before the antibiotics? MG and coryza can cause swollen sinuses that look like this, so I would watch her for any cough, thick nasal drainage, or noisy breathing. Mareks can have a wide variety of symptoms including tumors, paralysis of a wing or leg, skin lesions, and eye symptoms.
I did not notice a smell prior to antibiotics. She is not new to the flock and we have not added any birds. Because of the bubbles in the eye I was thinking it's probably an infection instead of an injury from a peck. We did lose a bird about six weeks ago from what we thought was wry neck. She could not feed herself and ended up with an eye infection towards the end. We had to cull her. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a necropsy, I tried to call the state vet office but was told I needed to go through a local vet to get testing done. I wish now I would have pursued that more. We live in GA and still have not found the correct contact for necropsies. Tomorrow I will try to find a qualified avian vet and see if they can do testing to determine what is going on. I did not realize all the health problems chickens can have. I wish now I had educated myself more. I should have gone through a reputable breeder instead of getting them on CL. I got 8 silkies, 2 Easter Eggers, and 2 black sex-linx. We lost 1 silkie 6 weeks ago and now have a sick EE. So far all my other ones seem healthy. I feed them Organic non-gmo feed and put apple cider vinegar in their water along with a vitamin booster and fresh veggies and sometime fruit.
Bubbles in the eye tend to be present when there is swelling, which can occur with an injury to the eyelid or with a respiratory infection such as MG.

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