Eye lid closed, moaning/wheezing, lying alone


12 Years
Aug 19, 2007
Sick chicken. About 2 days ago we noticed that our 3 month old Rhode Island Red hen was keeping her left eye lid closed for extended periods of time. We also noticed that the eye was cloudy, similar to a cataract in humans. This afternoon she started making a sound that seems to be a "moan", as if in pain. Her breathing is very deep and it sounds like she may be wheezing. Since 2 pm she has been in the pen by herself, lying down.

Prior to this she was the dominant hen, always free ranging, running, playing, etc.

Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.

I sure don't know what to tell ya, but I hope she recovers!
Here is a good site to read about different poultry illnesses.

Newcastle disease also causes clouded cornea, but it is much less likely than some of the common diseases such as Mareks and Mycoplasmas.

I would isolate her if possible to reduce the likelihood of spreading a disease to the others if they havent already been exposed.

Clean, clean, clean where she was and the spaces she shared with the others the past few weeks! Marek's is spread by dander and feather follicles. DuPont makes a cleaner that kills Marek's, but I think a good scrub would take care of it for now unless you're pretty sure it's Marek's. Also, don't give up on her yet - she may, with care, come back from Marek's - depends on the strain.

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