Eye problem. HELP no vet for birds in my country.


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2015
I realized my hen had one of her eyes closed 4 days ago and since then I've been cleaning in with warm water, human eye drops and some neosporin on it. She would open it and then the next day it would be the same again. I didnt see any parasite in her eye. Today i realized her other eye is watery and it doesnt seem normal. Any help would be appreciated. I don't want to lose her.
I also went to the vet pharmacy and they gave me antibiotics to dilute in the water. if u know anything i would be grateful.

2 of my hens started looking like this yesterday also have a cough and seem to be resting alot i took mine to the local feed store and they said eye worm and suggested vetrx i treated my whole flock but this morning when i checked on them i noticed 2 more with the cough im new to all this
2 of my hens started looking like this yesterday also have a cough and seem to be resting alot i took mine to the local feed store and they said eye worm and suggested vetrx i treated my whole flock but this morning when i checked on them i noticed 2 more with the cough im new to all this
im sorry to hear that. mine doesnt have a cough and until yesterday she was pretty active too.

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