Eye turned black now it's swelling!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Parker, Colorado
Hi, All, I have a mature buff rock hen who's eyeball turned black a few months ago. She is now blind in that eye, but had generally done well within the flock of 13 girls. Then about 10 days ago we noticed she was in brood mode. She still is, but now her eye is swelling to the size of a large pea. What should I do!?

Coop de Hill
First pic is her normal side. She's alert and moving around this am. Normally I find her sitting in the nesting bin all of the girls use. Tough to get a picture of an ever moving hen, took 16 pic!

The second two are of the problem side. It almost looks like there's a normal eye in there, but it's been black for a while. Only in the past few days has it got really swollen and pussy (I think that's puss..gross, really)


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