Faded BlackSpanish turkey saddle and tail.


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2017
I have a show turkey and her feathers are faded out a little bit how do I reblacken them. I have a good month and a couple weeks before fair but I would like them to be perfect for showmanship. I have her in a coop where the sun in not beating down on her and my other turkey. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) with shells are good for feathers. Just don't give too many as they're fattening.
I would see how many hours of sunlight she's getting, if she's on good feed, maybe give her some greens. Make sure she's also happy, happy and healthy are two different things but are both important.
There is no sun shining on her but I don't know if that could still damage her feathers. I gave her some plumage fixer and black oil sunflower seeds mixed with oatmeal in her egg layer crumble.
You mean to say she gets no sunlight all day? I would recommend her having direct access to sunlight and shade, even through a window. I hope she's not in a dark room all day.
No she is in a 12x12 coop just her and her sister show Turkey. The coop is very well lit it just has no sun shining on her.

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