**Fancy Rooster Contest!! Ends 2/28/16**

Cochin rooster

porcelain bantams, these guys are almost full grown and don't even way 2 lb yet.

Your bantie is so cute! .... I mean, handsome.
Are they mixed breeds?
Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you their breeds!

Well, I don't know their breeds
We got them from a friend as chicks so I really don't know… If anyone wants to take any guesses your welcome too

They are probably on dinner plates right now cause we had to give our roos back to our friend because we can't take roosters.
Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you their breeds!

Well, I don't know their breeds
We got them from a friend as chicks so I really don't know… If anyone wants to take any guesses your welcome too

They are probably on dinner plates right now cause we had to give our roos back to our friend because we can't take roosters.

Aw, even Autumn?

Wow, he's handsome! He reminds me of my first Maran boy, Sasha. Sasha had a long, single comb like that too and those intense eyes. I called him my dinosaur because that's what he looked and acted like. Unfortunately, Sasha was aggressive and attacked me and so we had to get rid of him.

I really have to hurry up and figure out a way to "neuter" chickens in a healthy fashion so that people can keep roosters as pets without all the complaints about them. I just keep hearing how so many people have to find homes for them because it is illegal to keep them. People are fixing their pet dogs, cats, horses, goats, pigs, llamas, rats, and iguanas, they just haven't yet found a way to do it in a safe manner with birds. What's science for though but to find new things?

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