FANS in yer coops/runs?? Whos got em...........

I have a fan in the coop, but I've also just bought a big fan with a thermostat to install near the roof of the coop. I can't wait to get it in for them... I know it'll make a huge difference.
I have one of the 18" round high velocity fans (80 dollar one at Home Depot) that I strapped to the ceiling rafters so it hangs upside down and it runs 24/7. The fan puts out enough air that I can feel a breeze from it outside the opposite wall, which is over 25 feet away. My coop has one interior area with two large hardware cloth+screen windows and vented eaves. Attached to that is a coop with one solid wall and three hardware cloth walls all under roof, which is where the fan is mounted. The entire coop is situated under some live oak trees which keep it shaded most of the day. I can feel a very noticeable drop in temperature when I walk from the unshaded garden into the shaded pasture.

My original flock did okay through August and September here last year, so I figured what I was doing was working okay. Just to be safe, I will go out and clean the stock tank used for the goats and cow and flood that part of the pasture on really hot days. The chickens love it and all come run through the cool water.

Also, I did pick up a free 15' trampoline off Craigslist and put it in the middle of the portion of pasture that has no tree cover or shade. I keep water containers under it and if it gets too hot, set up a hose with one of those plastic valves on the end of it....just barely opened so that it emits a fine mist, to spray the trampoline mat: It creates a nice cool spot underneath there. It also serves as a good hiding spot if they don't think they can get back to the coop when they see a hawk. The goats enjoy laying under it too, but it kind of makes you think twice about bouncing on the thing when you see them there. They have horns and play a game where they will try to stab your feet or worse yet your bottom through the trampoline mat. The teenagers think its a lot of fun to run in circles and zigzags across the top of it with the goats chasing them underneath it.
Now THATS funny......
Great idea with the trampoline!!
I have fans that I used last year and I also floated ice cubes in pans of water for the girls. This year has not been that warm yet. I also flood the grass near the outside water pans that are shaded by the barn, they like that.

We are now up to 72 hens of various ages and 17 different breeds. Last year we started with 30 chicks. We just keep adding more, last week we bought 6 young hens that included a beautiful blue Andalusian and a gorgeous buff Brahma. Didn't know I would enjoy chickens so much and the good news is we usually don't have enough eggs to meet the demand.

Most of the girls are free ranging now with the horses. They get along fine unless the filly, born in May, decides to play round up, then the hens just scatter in all directions until she gives up. Pretty funny to watch.

Thanks for the good ideas from all of you! This forum is a treasure!

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