Farmer wants a wife

I'm not sure if they tell them to act that way or not, they might earn extra money for being on the show if they 'play it up,' but I also know a lot of girls that 'are' like this. How bad it that? I know two girls right now that are headed down that road because their mom, and not too many around them, don't take the time to teach them how to do dirty work like that. They allow them to spend money all day, so in turn, it teaches the girls that they don't have to get dirty to do things. They aren't teaching them how to do anything, but sit around and be pretty, spend money, and have everyone else do things for you. Man, wouldn't that be the life? Though, I can't handle anyone doing something for me that I can't do for myself, so I'd start feeling too guilty so I don't know how these girls do it.

I agree with CathyB, that one girl [Amanda] is very sweet! She seems pretty sincere. I like Ashley as well.

I think that the only reason that Christa goes off on Brooke so much though is because she herself is trying to stake claim to Matt and doesn't like Brooke getting in her way, which she thinks that she is. Once Brooke is gone - if it happens before her - I think she'll shift her anger/focus onto someone else. Very catty.
* That's too bad, too because Christa WAS my favorite at first, sensible enough, AT LEAST, to have had on a pair of keds when they arrived!!! Really disappointed.
Yeh, that's true. I liked her in the beginning too, up until she started to act like Miss All Important. She seems nice and all, but the way she acts towards Brooke and belittles her for actually saying that she has feelings for Matt? What does Christa think the show is about? As long as she, Brooke, has feelings towards Matt, why should it matter that Brooke may or may not be telling it all? At least she's having feelings towards the person that they are supposed to be having feelings for. It's no right for Christa to act like that and make everyone hate Brooke just because Brooke admitted she likes him so much. Very disrespectful.
Those sheep did not look like they needed to be sheared. The fleece looked terrible and practically unusable. The sheep looked suspiciously clean, too. They must have bathed them before letting the girls near them.

I like that he gave Ashley a chance, but Amanda's the best of the group.

I suspect he's going to go with Brooke. He calls her Miss B affectionately, and is apparently holding off on a 1-1 date on the producers' advice to create tension.
I don't watch much reality tv, but I love the farmer wants a wife. I really think that Amanda would be the best one. I think that ashley should go.
I don't watch it. I was going to, but I couldn't quite get hubby on board. Mostly I was interested in it because it was in Portage de Sioux. A town that pretty much butted up against the town I grew up in. I would've thought they would've picked a way out type of town, naaaaa they picked one not to very far from St. Louis.

* LoL!-- I worked with a girl one time locally who took 3 WEEKS to get over her aversion to sticking her manicured hands into bleach water to wet a cloth to wipe tables in the shop!!! THEY EXIST--BELIEVE IT!!!

ha ha ha that is just sad.....maybe I have blanked it out of my mind, but I don't remember coming across a girl that prissy. I feel sorry for the kids that get pampered into thinking that all they have to do is spend money. What kind of skills do they have? What can they say that they do really well that they can be proud of? Shopping? Looking Pretty? Whoo hoooooo. LOL​
* Well, Little Lisa goes home and Brooke is left with Kenisha and the cougars, lol!!! Pretty surprised considering Ashley's behavior after tying one on!! PLUS, the painful hang-over she looked to have AND the painful to watch disaster date with Matt!!!
I only watched 2 episodes of it last week for the first time.

There are or were 3 girls on there that seem to be very conniving.

A dark haired girl, a girl with a nose piercing and one other.

I missed it this week. I need to google it to find out the names of these girls.

Sorry to say it, but I don't think any of them could make it as a full time farmers wife.

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