Farmwoman is back!


15 Years
May 14, 2008
Northeast Texas
I think my last post was in 2010. I took a break from chickens after the last big wild cat massacre of my flock. I am back in action starting last April and have quickly ramped up to having birds in the hen house, birds in the freezer (this is something I've never done before!) and eggs in the incubator. Life is sad without chickens, indeed! I just knew I lost my account and screen name - but nope, still here! I still live at the same homestead with the same husband :)D) and prefer Turkens and White Leghorns. No Leghorns at present but this will change very soon. The kids are grown and gone so this gives me more playtime and then there are the grandkids that come for time on the farm. Curious to see how many original members are still here and make new friends!


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