Farmyard Bizzaro- diary on a crazy farmyard's days (Geese and Chickens)

Yes it does happen her last litter of 9 one did get squished. Busy day today will try for pictures tomorrow.
Ok that's fine!! As long as I get my pics!

So, fowl pox has reched it's limit here and i have started to seperate the birds that have it!! It so serious and it look sore!!! So the grey striped one (Hvae to ask MPN something before i name it!!) has got both her eyes shut and cant see anything, thats why i give her yogurt so that she can just drink it...!! The other one has one eye open so it can see so i give it corn to eat!!When they heal they will go back to the flock!!

This is our rat littler!! First one so far!!

Here is mommy!! Her name is Polar cause she is soo (kinda) white!!!

This is my naughty girl Sugar!!I just got her today!!!!

So, i let 2 hens adopt some chicks!!! Anyway, the white one stole the grey ones chicks ans now has a lot!!Dont worry, i made shore she can care for them all and yes...she can!!!

Big D and HennyPenny drinking in the midday!!

Eggbert drinking from an underground stream
Hi, I took some pictures of some of my flock.

I just purchased 2 of these from a small animal auction, Are these Delawares? They were very flighty when I got them but have settled in with the flock very well. I had to get them because they were white and you know I have a thing about white chickens.

This is Hannibal the Molted Duccle. He is a cutie and really struts his stuff. With all of the other roosters that I have, he knows his place in the flock and a few of the ladies have chosen to be his girls.

This is Larry the frizzle he is surrounded by a flock of mystery chicks that were born late in the summer. I started with 10 but lost 2.

Easter Eggers, White Rocks, some of my favorites Production Reds. The Reds are the friendliest chickens and excellent layers. I know its hard to see but I have no idea what breed the white/black on is on the second tier all the way to the end, any ideas? Look at the beautiful rooster on the bottom tier, I love how colorful he is. He is one of the lower ranking roosters and does not breed with any of the hens, neither does Larry the frizzle. Next to the Roo is another one of the late summer hatch chicks.

3 Polish in the window that were rescues and are now in great shape, they are very good mothers and go broody easily. Astrolorps, a gorgeous Golden Laced Wynott rooster, and more EE's.

John is on the bottom tier now another magnificent rooster. What is horrible is I know I have too many roosters but I don't want to cull them, they are all so friendly and pretty. I have listed them for sale for a few dollars but no one wants them :(

As you can see my coop is half of my barn. It did not start that way, in the beginning it was just the corner of the barn but since then has grown. The flock also has a large outdoor run and also free range but here in WI it is cold so they don't want nothing to do with outside. I am going to throw some straw in the run tomorrow to see if they will walk on that. Part of their coop is insulated and we do not give additional heat even at -30 below. I have never lost a chicken.
I have chickens in the other half of the barn as well as pigs, goats, and rabbits oh and ducks. All of the chickens on the the other half of the barn are named Steve. It started out with 3 rescues that never spent a day outside of their coop, never got fresh air or green grass to eat, very sad circumstances. Well when I segregated the 3 Steve's from the flock they took to roosting near the ceiling of the barn and I let them. Every morning after squawking the loudest most irritating squawk I have ever heard they got their breakfast and headed out to free range for the entire day and returned to the favorite roosting spots in the barn. One day Steve showed up with 5 baby Steve's, I did loose 2 of them but now I have 6 Steve's roosting in the barn that are segregated from the other chickens and I let them but no one else. I am not sure of Steve's breed, I am thinking Game Hens but the 3 baby Steve's are mixes of Duccle and BR. They may not have the fanciest coop but they are well taken care of, fed, doctored, and loved.

Sorry I forgot to add my Turken Rooster, isn't he awesome. Just look at that mohawk, He is a very friendly rooster and is the lead rooster. I got 7 roosters total and about 45 hens and so far I have no problems with over mating but the hard reality is some of them will have to get culled.
Thanks for looking.
Hi, I took some pictures of some of my flock. I just purchased 2 of these from a small animal auction, Are these Delawares? They were very flighty when I got them but have settled in with the flock very well. I had to get them because they were white and you know I have a thing about white chickens. This is Hannibal the Molted Duccle. He is a cutie and really struts his stuff. With all of the other roosters that I have, he knows his place in the flock and a few of the ladies have chosen to be his girls. This is Larry the frizzle he is surrounded by a flock of mystery chicks that were born late in the summer. I started with 10 but lost 2. Easter Eggers, White Rocks, some of my favorites Production Reds. The Reds are the friendliest chickens and excellent layers. I know its hard to see but I have no idea what breed the white/black on is on the second tier all the way to the end, any ideas? Look at the beautiful rooster on the bottom tier, I love how colorful he is. He is one of the lower ranking roosters and does not breed with any of the hens, neither does Larry the frizzle. Next to the Roo is another one of the late summer hatch chicks. 3 Polish in the window that were rescues and are now in great shape, they are very good mothers and go broody easily. Astrolorps, a gorgeous Golden Laced Wynott rooster, and more EE's. John is on the bottom tier now another magnificent rooster. What is horrible is I know I have too many roosters but I don't want to cull them, they are all so friendly and pretty. I have listed them for sale for a few dollars but no one wants them :( As you can see my coop is half of my barn. It did not start that way, in the beginning it was just the corner of the barn but since then has grown. The flock also has a large outdoor run and also free range but here in WI it is cold so they don't want nothing to do with outside. I am going to throw some straw in the run tomorrow to see if they will walk on that. Part of their coop is insulated and we do not give additional heat even at -30 below. I have never lost a chicken. I have chickens in the other half of the barn as well as pigs, goats, and rabbits oh and ducks. All of the chickens on the the other half of the barn are named Steve. It started out with 3 rescues that never spent a day outside of their coop, never got fresh air or green grass to eat, very sad circumstances. Well when I segregated the 3 Steve's from the flock they took to roosting near the ceiling of the barn and I let them. Every morning after squawking the loudest most irritating squawk I have ever heard they got their breakfast and headed out to free range for the entire day and returned to the favorite roosting spots in the barn. One day Steve showed up with 5 baby Steve's, I did loose 2 of them but now I have 6 Steve's roosting in the barn that are segregated from the other chickens and I let them but no one else. I am not sure of Steve's breed, I am thinking Game Hens but the 3 baby Steve's are mixes of Duccle and BR. They may not have the fanciest coop but they are well taken care of, fed, doctored, and loved. Sorry I forgot to add my Turken Rooster, isn't he awesome. Just look at that mohawk, He is a very friendly rooster and is the lead rooster. I got 7 roosters total and about 45 hens and so far I have no problems with over mating but the hard reality is some of them will have to get culled. Thanks for looking.
Awesome! !! I love your pic's! !
Finally read through everything and wow what a story! You have so many chickens
. They have lots of really cool colours/patterns. Also love the ratties, such cute babies
My last boys passed away a few years ago. Indie looked just like polar too.
Finally read through everything and wow what a story! You have so many chickens
. They have lots of really cool colours/patterns. Also love the ratties, such cute babies
My last boys passed away a few years ago. Indie looked just like polar too.
Thanks!!!! The colour patterns are wild hey!!

Yeah, I love rats, they are sooo cute!!

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