Faverolles. Is it just my faverolle who is as feisty as a gamefowl?


Feb 17, 2024
Can not figure out how to attach a vote to this thread so please leave your opinion in the comments. My bantam faverolle is the feistiest hen (about as feisty as an annoyed gander) ever. Just wondering if anyone has had the same experience. Apart from her all other hens treat me like a cock. In her mind she is higher in the pecking order than me.
Can not figure out how to attach a vote to this thread so please leave your opinion in the comments. My bantam faverolle is the feistiest hen (about as feisty as an annoyed gander) ever. Just wondering if anyone has had the same experience. Apart from her all other hens treat me like a cock. In her mind she is higher in the pecking order than me.
Apparently faverolles have a calm and quiet temperament. She is my favourite hen even though she is can be slightly more assertive than the others
I love Faverolles! My two are pretty calm, but far from quiet. Celeste and Camille talk to me all the time. I suspect they are critiquing everything I do -- bringing food too late, offering the wrong food, not showing up with treats, opening the coop door too early when they'd rather be roosting. So, perhaps they are above me in the pecking order :lau .

They lost their two elderly coop mates over the winter. One of those girls was clearly the dominant hen, so the Favs are learning to live on their own. When they are free with the other birds during the day, they tend to avoid skirmishes and often go "hide out" in one of the open coops that they've taken a fancy to.

I'm surprised that your little girl is assertive, but I'm not surprised that she's your favorite!
I love Faverolles! My two are pretty calm, but far from quiet. Celeste and Camille talk to me all the time. I suspect they are critiquing everything I do -- bringing food too late, offering the wrong food, not showing up with treats, opening the coop door too early when they'd rather be roosting. So, perhaps they are above me in the pecking order :lau .

They lost their two elderly coop mates over the winter. One of those girls was clearly the dominant hen, so the Favs are learning to live on their own. When they are free with the other birds during the day, they tend to avoid skirmishes and often go "hide out" in one of the open coops that they've taken a fancy to.

I'm surprised that your little girl is assertive, but I'm not surprised that she's your favorite!
She is very assertive
Yeah, there is always one hen who is the boss and size doesn't matter. It's all about attitude and those bantams can have lots of attitude. I had one who was the nest box monitor. She stood guard at the nest box so the current occupant would not be disturbed while laying her egg. And if one dared to challenge her, the rebel rouser was met with one pound of feathered ninja fury.
Yeah, there is always one hen who is the boss and size doesn't matter. It's all about attitude and those bantams can have lots of attitude. I had one who was the nest box monitor. She stood guard at the nest box so the current occupant would not be disturbed while laying her egg. And if one dared to challenge her, the rebel rouser was met with one pound of feathered ninja fury.
Was she a faverolle
They count as gamefowl. We would have something like that but they get stolen often and used for illegal fights
Old English Bantam are classified as ornamental fowl-they are clumped to include several strains. Some are bantams and are called Old English Game Bantam and they are feisty but are not used for fighting due to their lack of size. Mine was of the English variety with a rose comb, black feathers, clean legged, and white earlobes. Remember, every locale has that breeder who creates their own version of the OEB-some are crossed with serama and they will call them English Bantam. Tecnicially mine were called Old English Rosecomb Bantam-a tiny black chicken with a rose comb and huge white earlobes. Love them!

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