Faverolles Thread

Hello again Favorelle folks! I have a puzzle I would like help solving: What are my possible color, toe, skin, & muff possibilities from -

a Silver Phoenix roo

over my Salmon Favorelle girls?

All guesses appreciated, expert genetic opinions - valued.

Hello again Favorelle folks! I have a puzzle I would like help solving: What are my possible color, toe, skin, & muff possibilities from -

a Silver Phoenix roo

over my Salmon Favorelle girls?

All guesses appreciated, expert genetic opinions - valued.

You should get black patterned red shouldered cream duckwings.


Many will likely also have muffs and some extra toes. Yellow skin is recessive, so I would expect most to be white skinned.
You should get black patterned red shouldered cream duckwings.


Many will likely also have muffs and some extra toes. Yellow skin is recessive, so I would expect most to be white skinned.

I think you told me that before. However, I have two chicks now who started out black with a yellow chest. The older one is coming up on 3 months ( I need to take a recent pic) and she is black with some red patterning around the neck, 5 toes, feather legs, muffs, black/slate skin. The other one is only 2 weeks and he (I think as I am seeing a comb already) is feathering in about the same.

This is the older girl a while back. She is much darker now except around the neck.

I have a 2 month old boy who I can't wait to see colors on.

Here he is when he was young. He popped out all yellow initially.

He has less feathers on legs, 5 toes, muffs, yellow legs.

Now I have a puzzle: Chicken sitter a month or so did not collect eggs for a week!
I came home to 4 broodies and a bunch of half started eggs. I broke 3 broodies and left one with 7 eggs. The father is not in question, the mother is. My tinted egg layers include, Silver Phoenix, Salmon favorelles, and a black banty cochin. I have a two week old chick. Hatched yellow, 4 toes, yellow legs, no feathers on legs, no muffs yet. It is feathering out WHITE.
Who would you guess is Mama? I am in a quandary.
I think you told me that before. However, I have two chicks now who started out black with a yellow chest. The older one is coming up on 3 months ( I need to take a recent pic) and she is black with some red patterning around the neck, 5 toes, feather legs, muffs, black/slate skin. The other one is only 2 weeks and he (I think as I am seeing a comb already) is feathering in about the same.

This is the older girl a while back. She is much darker now except around the neck.

I have a 2 month old boy who I can't wait to see colors on.

Here he is when he was young. He popped out all yellow initially.

He has less feathers on legs, 5 toes, muffs, yellow legs.

Now I have a puzzle: Chicken sitter a month or so did not collect eggs for a week!
I came home to 4 broodies and a bunch of half started eggs. I broke 3 broodies and left one with 7 eggs. The father is not in question, the mother is. My tinted egg layers include, Silver Phoenix, Salmon favorelles, and a black banty cochin. I have a two week old chick. Hatched yellow, 4 toes, yellow legs, no feathers on legs, no muffs yet. It is feathering out WHITE.
Who would you guess is Mama? I am in a quandary.
Variations may happen depending on where your breeder birds came from. The one with black shanks, is the skin also black or just the shanks?

Mystery chick is likely from the cochin.
Variations may happen depending on where your breeder birds came from. The one with black shanks, is the skin also black or just the shanks?

Mystery chick is likely from the cochin.

I'll have to take a peek at the skin. She is so fluffy, I haven't noticed. These mixes are fascinating to me. Thanks for the input.
Here are some pics from this morning:

Girl on left is almost 3 months. Boy on right is almost 2 months. No question they are Fav X.

Babies in question. Black one looks just like above girl at the same age (except a comb is starting, darn it.) and he only has 4 toes. Shanks are black, skin is not on both.

Is white a dominate color? I have no white birds that could be the mamma. Someone give me a genetic explanation how it pops in.
I just love Faverolles. Their soft feathers and fluffy muffs are beautiful. My first Faverolles was named Babs. She was a very talkative girl, docile and friendly. I made sure to order another Faverolles to be included in my latest chick purchase. The chick is a pretty soft yellow pullet, and I can already see the muffs forming under her beak. She has a small grayish smudge on the top of her head. Is a gray smudge okay for a Faverolles?

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