Faverolles Thread

My Cockerels here are 9 months old. They are huuuuugeeee. Really love their size this year!
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Joining this thread... this is the breed of chicken that I want to raise, now that I'm finally able to get back in to poultry. I've only read the last 10 pages of this enormous thread and want to thank those who have put photos in the thread. It is so fascinating to see everyone's birds and to see the differences in them. There are some gorgeous birds pictured here! Hopefully by spring I'll have some photos to add too. I just need to fine someone to get my stock from and that will take a little research...
I ordered 7 salmon farvole pullets and 2 cockerels and 7 Welsummer pullets and 2 cockerels and 7 silver laced wyndote pullets and 2 cockerels to be delivered February.24. I am going to have a 10wide/12long/8high built before they get here. Plan to break up coop into 4 separate spaces to isolate each breed. My run will be 20 wide and 20 long and 8 high. Splight into four runs. I also will come off the back of the coop with 4 doors and 4 smaller runs for breeding trios. I have hatched 9 barred rock chicks and 4 red sex links and 2 dark frizzles out of a set that came out of incubator dec 8. Got about a 65% hatch rate, not bad for the first time. These will be my go to egg layers or general flock. Trying to get the chicken operation going so my 7 year old grandson can show some singles and trios at the county fairs in our county and the one surrounding us. My grandsons first name is Tyson, so we are Tysons Chicken Ranch. His mother gave him my last name for his first name. My great uncle started Tysons Chicken. Been a lot of years since I have raised chickens. My main punishment when I got in trouble as a teen was to clean out chicken house and brooder house. I was always the one to help my grandmother butcher and clean the fryers, every one I have ever eaten is one less someone had to clean up after.
I love all kinds of animals and love to show and compete. Anyone wanting to chat, trade ideas or experiences fell free to email. [email protected]

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