Faverolles Thread

How long have you had them?
This is only my second hatch with this trio. The first probably only contained eggs from my hen from Ideal as the other from Sandhill Creek hadn't quite started laying yet. There were no markings on those babies. The male came from a breeder, can't remember where, but he was hatched a year ago. Not sure if that answers your question.
I was meaning that hens' eggs can remain fertilized for 2-4 weeks after mating, but if you have already hatched one set then you have probably had them longer than that.

How old are the chicks?
Is the trio all Salmon?
Do the babies have 5 toes and feathered legs?

I know that some people have experienced something similar to what you are talking about, especially with hatchery birds. I have never personally seen it, but I have seen pictures of them as chicks and they all turned out to be normal colored adults.
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@-Wirth- Ah I understand. Yes these three have been together exclusively in a secure pen for about 2 months. These little ones hatched over the last couple of days, and they do all have very feathered legs and 5 toes.

It's good to hear that they grow out normally colored though I won't keep any like this for breeding myself, but I don't want to sell the girls as layer Faverolles if they turn out differently colored.

I'll post a picture tomorrow.
 Ah I understand. Yes these three have been together exclusively in a secure pen for about 2 months. These little ones hatched over the last couple of days, and they do all have very feathered legs and 5 toes. 

It's good to hear that they grow out normally colored though I won't keep any like this for breeding myself, but I don't want to sell the girls as layer Faverolles if they turn out differently colored.

I'll post a picture tomorrow.

Two months minus incubation time minus collection time allows for just enough overlap to possibly have a couple non pure fertile eggs.

What other roosters do you have? Could be fun to guess who's the daddy!
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Two months minus incubation time minus collection time allows for just enough overlap to possibly have a couple non pure fertile eggs.

What other roosters do you have? Could be fun to guess who's the daddy!
Ha ha! The only possibility would be a Black Copper or Birchen Marans that the hens lived with before. The chicks would be black. I'm confident the salmon faverolles is the daddy.

Who wants to play pullet or cockerel? Lol

Love this "game"....I don't know the breed but I agree with FeatherMtnFarms, going by the combs in the last picture; dark one cockerel & lighter one pullet.
Darker one boy, lighter one girl. Sometimes females can get dark but I don't think that is the case with this one, he's feathering out like my boy did when he was small.

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