Feather Loss in Doves..anyone else?


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
I am experiencing feather loss in my doves in my aviary. I am attributing it to some new hierarchies being established. I have a large outdoor aviary with 6 doves. There has been feather loss on the back of the head on two birds and now my alpha hen is experiencing it. I have recently separated and made a bachelor pad, leaving one male in the main aviary with the two ladies and baby and a pair of finch.

My two males look beautiful, anyone know the pattern/look of mites on birds?
Does it sound like feather picking from male aggression?
Anyone else successfully keep males together?
WOW. I just noticed the mom in my aviary has feather loss on her head. She had 2 clutches, layed 2 more eggs, but shes not setting on them. I have no clue whats going on??? Thought maybe she was molting or something.
Dominant birds can do a number to the less dominant birds. Plucking feathers and whatnot. Also, doves have a great ability to shed feathers in order to escape. If you grab a dove who is afraid of you, chances are it'll squirm frantically and when you let go, you'll have a handful of feathers! So by plucking from other birds, feather loss isn't very hard to find.
If you would like, you could treat them for parasites. Also keep in mind birds are moulting right now. Different aged birds will moult at different periods. Since it's fall, pigeons and doves are going through their heavy moults, and will have a lighter one in the spring. Plenty of protein and grit (oyster shell especially) will help the feathers a lot.
The peaceful dove is far from peaceful. You guys have a male estabishing his turf. Any female that he thinks has eyes for another male...well you guys started the post. Molting plays a part but head only suggests an aggressive male. I only know my ringnecks. Put razor blades on their "elbows" and they could kill a fighting rooster.

Got any zebra doves or green fruit doves?

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I also have feather loss on the back of the head and neck in one of my doves. Ive seperated him from the other males for awhile already and the feathers arent growing back. Will they eventually come back? :(
I also have feather loss on the back of the head and neck in one of my doves. Ive seperated him from the other males for awhile already and the feathers arent growing back. Will they eventually come back? :(
I can only speak to pigeons, not specifically doves, but I rescued a white pigeon (probably king, probably a wedding or graduation release) last summer and he had feather loss on the back of his neck. It continued through the summer for no discernible reason (he was alone so it wasn't pecking; I even took him to the vet & treated for mites). Then in the fall everything regrew and it's been fine all this year. I still have no idea what was going on. But I'd suggest waiting a while longer until after their molt before worrying.

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