Feather loss in the rear....


7 Years
Sep 18, 2012
My Salmon Faverolle seems to have lost her feathers only around her bum area..I thought maybe this was the beginning of her molt, but no other areas seem to have any feather loss.
You can already see new growth coming in, but I wasn't sure if this was normal or not?

Thanks for any help.

You have a feather picker,I have one that only does it when they are on the roost, the one lucky enough to be next to her ends up with a pecked bum.
New feathers will grow if the feather picker pulls out the whole shaft. If they just break it off, no new feathers until molt in the area.(at least that is how I understand it, and what I have observed on my girls) It looks like a feather picker to me, I have one in my flock and the two hens that roost beside her have bums just like your girl's backside. It is a very hard habit to break, one I haven't had much success with. I do blue kote their bottoms, so other birds aren't tempted to peck the exposed skin.
New feathers will grow if the feather picker pulls out the whole shaft. If they just break it off, no new feathers until molt in the area.(at least that is how I understand it, and what I have observed on my girls) It looks like a feather picker to me, I have one in my flock and the two hens that roost beside her have bums just like your girl's backside. It is a very hard habit to break, one I haven't had much success with. I do blue kote their bottoms, so other birds aren't tempted to peck the exposed skin.

Oh, that's interesting! I have a few bare bottomed girls that look 'plucked', no regrowth tho.
I haven't seen any mites. Gilly definitely gets picked on especially by our Black Cochin,Oprah.
I haven't seen her regularly peck at her but she does snap at her when I'm out there giving food etc...
New feathers will grow if the feather picker pulls out the whole shaft. If they just break it off, no new feathers until molt in the area.(at least that is how I understand it, and what I have observed on my girls) It looks like a feather picker to me, I have one in my flock and the two hens that roost beside her have bums just like your girl's backside. It is a very hard habit to break, one I haven't had much success with. I do blue kote their bottoms, so other birds aren't tempted to peck the exposed skin.

Their definitely new feathers which is why I thought it was a molt, just in a weird spot.
Oprah is a bully but again I cant confirm she is pecking at her bum.

What is blue kote?

So I need not worry about this?

Thanks for all the help!
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