Feather loss on tummy

Welcome to BYC. Could you possibly post a picture of the feather loss? Has she been spending much time in her nest box? Broody hens will pull out chest and belly feathers when they are preparing to sit on eggs. They may lay an egg or two before they stop. The other possibility is feather picking. You may want to look closely under her vent and elsewhere for tiny bugs (lice or mites.)
I agree. If she’s usually to be found sitting in a nesting box, she’s likely got at least a mild case of the broodies. If she does, you should probably break her unless she’s older and you have fertile eggs you’re willing to risk. Pullets are often not ready for the commitment.

If you were to think, “Well, I don’t need the eggs, so let her sit,” then you should consider the nourishment and exercise she’s not getting while she’s sitting on those infertile and/or fake eggs. Unless there are chicks to be hatched, breaking her of her obsession is the compassionate thing to do.

I had one and didn’t know I should break her. She’s still thinner than her breed sisters. A second one, I put with the broilers in their tractor (which I was moving a couple times a day) for a week or so. It worked, but she wasn’t bad and besides that option isn’t going to always be available.

There are all sorts of schemes out there to break broodies. Here’s one that sounds good to me: Put the broody in a wire bottomed cage, up off the ground for several days. You may need to affix some hardware cloth firmly to the bottom so she has a reasonable place for her feet (outside so she doesn’t cut her feet on the edges). Let her out a couple times a day to poop and get some exercise, but watch her and don’t let her sit. When you feel she might be ready, let her out but keep checking on her and put her back if necessary. The theory is that with air, not a warm nest under her belly, she’ll naturally recover from her broodiness.

If that isn’t working, search here for more device. There’s lots of it out here. :)
IMG_0018.JPG IMG_0019.JPG I don't know how to post a picture but I took the photo. Also I believe Luna is a mix her father was a silky but I don't know what her mother is. Her sister Phoenix is black and orange while Luna is black. To add on now I think that she could be broody. This morning I called for her and held up some treats she stayed on her egg in the nesting box. Plus I saw her feathers inside the box she was sitting in.
That does sound like a broody. If you don’t want chicks at this time in winter, please take her out of the ens t and put her into a dog crate with food and water, but no bedding, to break her. Broodies can become very weak and lose weight if they remain broody indefinitely. It will take about 5 days in the dog crate to break her. You can let her out for exercise, but she will probably run right back to the nest box. Good luck.

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