Feathers getting plucked out?

I would check for lice or mites to be on the safe side. She could be plucking her own feathers at her backside if she's itchy.
If that's all clear I would say the no peck. I've read that peepers can impair their vision in a way that free ranging is a bad idea. If you have them in a secure run then peepers would be next of no peck doesn't work.
That's My opinion at least.:)
Thank you! My husband held her while I looked carefully for any mites, etc. I didn't see anything like that.
The broken feathers says rooster damage to me. At 27 weeks he's a featherd ball of hormones. If not all the girls are as willing as your Brahma he will go back to her again and again.
You can use a chicken saddle until he hopefully calms down and your other girls get into the swing if things.
Thank you! This is what my first instinct was as well. The hens that are the most submissive/docile, are the ones losing the feathers. My slightly older blue Wyandottes and light Brahmas seem to take no crap from the little monster named Lucifer. Now I'm off to google chicken saddle. ;)
Thank you! This is what my first instinct was as well. The hens that are the most submissive/docile, are the ones losing the feathers. My slightly older blue Wyandottes and light Brahmas seem to take no crap from the little monster named Lucifer. Now I'm off to google chicken saddle. ;)
There are several types of saddle. I personally use the cross strap/double strap type. It's harder for a hen to back out of. You can easily make you own with some fabric and a pair of scissors.
No sew saddle.
Single strap.
Cross/double strap.
With wing/shoulder protection too.
We use peck no more for our hens. We ue it on all of their wounds it works so well! It helps heal any cut or injury the bird may have(we put it on one hen who my mom who is a Vet tech has to stitch up) and keeps it from getting infected, all the while tastes terrible to discourage any other birds to peck at it! Plus it smells kind of like grapes! Ish
It should work for both your picked on hen, and your buff Brahma! My neighbors had a rooster who kept over mating several hens, even though there were 1two hens, so my neighbor used a chicken saddle, and it works really well!! I suggest trying the saddle over the peck no more for the brahma because it's a Rooster problem


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I suffered a similar problem. In our case, we tried everything. If you have a persistent picker, there is no fixing the problem until you get rid of the pickers. One of the hens that was a picker was a bully even as a chick. If you have a bird like this, it might be the only solution. I would not recommend blue-kote because it is a pain to apply if you have even ten birds. I'd recommend using peepers, either pinless or pinned. For my flock, they helped deter all the hens except for the pickers. Hope this helps!
I'll check it out, thanks!
Poor little faverolles, is everyone picking on her or just one or two? If you can't get the blu-kote they've got this stuff called no pick that will make her taste nasty. In a pinch you can use blue food coloring instead of blu-kote but just know she will be blue for a very long time. :)
Only one hen is picking on her, she's a Welsummer. In fact, she picks on everyone, but mostly on this Faverolle. Her back isnt picked at as much anymore, but I'm afraid the Welsummer will injure her neck. I had a problem like this but with a different hen (as in, another hen was the bully, which was our other Faverolle) and we solved her problem by locking her up in the run while the others free ranged. Of course, she wasn't too happy and started complaining, but it worked! Next time I let them out, I'm going to try this again with the Welsummer and see if it helps, if not I'll look through all these remedies and see what works.

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