Feathers getting plucked out?

Thanks .... I'll get some bag balm and also some folks have mentioned Blue Note (sp?) and Feather Fixer. I'm hoping that they do go through a molt soon. We got them as day old chicks spring 2016 and they've never molted so maybe that will do the trick. Thanks!

Molt usually happens the fall after they turn 1. Depending on where you live and how the weather affects them.

Feather Fixer is a higher protein feed you can give during a molt. I personally feed it all the time. I have a mixed age and mixed gender flock. If you don't want to buy a whole bag of feed you can just increase their protein in other ways.

Blu Kote is more for wounds or if you see others pecking them. It literally turns them blue. If no one is pecking their skin I wouldn't use the Blu Kote. Unless you want smurfs running around.

Good Luck!

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