February 2017 Hatch-a-long

If it was shipped eggs, then yes - early quitters happen, unless you can account for a spike in temp or inconsistency with the incubator. This time of year, it seems there is more chance for infertility (clears, I'm guessing - did you open them up and check?) especially in places with odd or just really cold winter weather. But, heck $10 - totally worth the risk!!!

It was a local auction but lord knows how they were handled prior to being sold. The air sacs look good, no saddle shaped that I can see, but there were perhaps 5 I tossed with hairline fractures. I'm in Florida, the lowest my house ever got was 65, and the highest was 80, but that's pretty rare for either. Ambient temp is 70-72 barring a few hours here and there. Incubator has an alarm on it, and it hasn't dipped lower or higher than 95-101 when I opened for candling. I'm not worried about clears, I was actually a little surprised they were fertile at all, I half expected them to be unfertilized at all. It's the blood rings that concerned me perhaps I was having handling issues on my end. Is 1 out of 10 common
It was a local auction but lord knows how they were handled prior to being sold. The air sacs look good, no saddle shaped that I can see, but there were perhaps 5 I tossed with hairline fractures. I'm in Florida, the lowest my house ever got was 65, and the highest was 80, but that's pretty rare for either. Ambient temp is 70-72 barring a few hours here and there. Incubator has an alarm on it, and it hasn't dipped lower or higher than 95-101 when I opened for candling. I'm not worried about clears, I was actually a little surprised they were fertile at all, I half expected them to be unfertilized at all. It's the blood rings that concerned me perhaps I was having handling  issues on my end. Is 1 out of 10 common

From my own, non shipped eggs, it's very uncommon to have blood rings. I've only ever had them from shipped eggs. I do have some friends who have had some odd deformities in their stock that sometimes quit early. Did you open them up to see? (Although it may be too early in development to be able to really diagnose the problem.
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From my own, non shipped eggs, it's very uncommon to have blood rings. I've only every had them from shipped eggs. I do have some friends who have had some odd deformities in their stock that sometimes quit early. Did you open them up to see? (Although it may be too early in development to be able to really diagnose the problem.
It's been muddy around here and I have chickens that love to play in the mud, go in, tracking all the mud, to lay their eggs. I've tried washing the eggs before setting, and I've tried setting them dirty. I had blood rings when I set them dirty, I had better luck when I washed them before setting. Eggs are porous. They can absorb many things. So, however the eggs are handled before setting, can impact the hatch.

I have had a few blood rings from shipped eggs, but not 1 in 10. If they came from a local farm - who knows how much they were handled before @JenniferDuBay got them. Good luck with the ones that are progressing and extra good luck with the ones that didn't look so good - sometimes they can surprise you. Make sure you post pictures after they hatch!
Hello, February friends!

I am joining late, but I may just squeak in at the end of February, since I hear that Bantam breeds hatch out early. Is that true?

I bought six Golden Sebright eggs, and they just arrived - except there are twelve! (Generous seller)

Day 21 would be March 2, but I am guessing that February 28 is possible?

Anyone else hatching bantams? Anyone else with a late hatch date? Anyone here have experience with Sebrights?

Thanks, and happy hatching!
Hello, February friends!

I am joining late, but I may just squeak in at the end of February, since I hear that Bantam breeds hatch out early. Is that true?

I bought six Golden Sebright eggs, and they just arrived - except there are twelve! (Generous seller)

Day 21 would be March 2, but I am guessing that February 28 is possible?

Anyone else hatching bantams? Anyone else with a late hatch date? Anyone here have experience with Sebrights?

Thanks, and happy hatching!

Mine tend to hatch around day 18 or 19 in the incubator, but 20 or 21 under a broody.
Just set 5 EEs, 4 Legbars and 11 Bielefelders. I'm sure the EEs will hatch since they are only a day old and our rooster has been doing a good job. The Legbars may not since they are a month old or more and the Bielefelders may not either because the hens are playing hard to get. Crossing my fingers!
Hi! I forgot to look for the February Hatch Along earlier, but better late than never! I have 20 eggs that I purchased from GardenWren in an auction. Today is day 14 and all 20 eggs seem to be progressing. Not bad for shipped eggs from TN to WA!!! I do have a few air cells that are wonky, but am keeping my fingers crossed. Those I may try to put in an egg carton with the bottom cut out when the go into lock down. She did a great job packing them. Hatch day is the 15th. Hoping maybe for a Valentines chick or two!


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