February 2017 Hatch-a-long

You're right...I was just getting carried away with the alliteration. I guess someone can use Honk House for geese or swans :)

OMG! I had to look that up, a new "word of the day." AND...you are a stellar speller, too.
I've decided to throw caution (and decorum) to the winds and just go with Quack House. Truthfully, I've never had any decorum anyhow....
OMG! I had to look that up, a new "word of the day." AND...you are a stellar speller, too.
I've decided to throw caution (and decorum) to the winds and just go with Quack House. Truthfully, I've never had any decorum anyhow....

I love the cute coop names too.

I have The birdcage
I made the sign, drilled holes, put LED Christmas lights through each hole.
Makes a nice night light too.

I love the cute coop names too.

I have The birdcage
I made the sign, drilled holes, put LED Christmas lights through each hole.
Makes a nice night light too.

I may be a stellar speller but you top the cake in decorating!
I Love the sign you made! and the lights...awesome!!!

My coop names are boring compared to everyone else. They sort of happened by themselves: "The Upstairs Chickens" which are the standard sizes with many mixed breeds; "The silkie house" sort of explains itself; the "Condo" which is where the offspring from the silkie house plus my Polish pair live.
Just set 55 today of my own eggs in a homemade incubator. I had really really good success with it last year. Lets see what happens in 21 daysish

Can you say more about how you made the home made incubator?
I have one egg under my broody that is due to hatch after the others and I'm concerned about keeping it in the right conditions. Thanks.
WVduckchick, you are so funny! I always mis-read your name as VWduckchick. I don't know how old you are, but if you are my age, back in the '60's you would have had a FABulous VW Van decorated fender-to-fender with bodacious art. I'm totally impressed with your sign.
I've got 12 new babies drying off in the incubator right now. I will take pics of them when I get home from work later today. I used the genetics calculator and was expecting all blue, but I have a mix of blue, yellow, brownish, and black!
WVduckchick, you are so funny! I always mis-read your name as VWduckchick. I don't know how old you are, but if you are my age, back in the '60's you would have had a FABulous VW Van decorated fender-to-fender with bodacious art. I'm totally impressed with your sign.

thanks! Most of my BYC friends just call me WV for short. But a few call me VW because they also thought of the car company before the State, now its all in tease. VW/WV or WV/VW... I've been called much worse, so I'm ok with that!
One even occasionally calls me Mercedes

I was FABulously born in the mid-60's, youngest of 5 siblings, so I know exactly what you mean. Groooovy, duuude.

*Just a quick side-note on the sign... One of my first chick hatchlings was a frizzle bantam cochin. He was soooo beautiful as a chick. Then it became obvious he was a HE. I said he was too pretty to be a boy, so he needed a "pretty", but manly name. I think this was near the time of Robin William's passing, and I saw mention of the Birdcage movie, and thought it was perfect! Robin's character in the movie is named Armand, and that is now my rooster's name! The sign was a fun project, inspired by the movie marquee.
I'm on day 20 on my first hatch and I hear peeping. How long does it usually take for the chicks to crack the egg? Do I need to be concerned if I don't any cracking on the shell but hear the chicks?

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