February 2017 Hatch-a-long

And one of the BO chicks that I'm so hoping is a pullet and will be my lap chicken!


I have a friend who's rooster became a lap chicken - so much so, that it had no interest in the hens! It would sit on her shoulder all the time - quite the interesting bird!
I have a friend who's rooster became a lap chicken - so much so, that it had no interest in the hens! It would sit on her shoulder all the time - quite the interesting bird!

That would be awesome! I'd have them all be lap chickens if I had my way, but know that's highly unlikely. LOL

I could sit and watch them for hours just being chickens.

Well quoting didn't work but...
I really thank you Cerise1924 ! Words of encouragement work for me!
If this was last week I would have said that I Know the date she started siting on them however I doubt my recall now since this is going on.
And for whatever reasons the hatch that was going to be on Thanksgiving was late by 1 1/2--2 1/2 days.
I'm glad you said (and I have one person who sent me a p.m. that agrees with you) to let her be and allow the process since she has proven herself as a great broody. I wasn't exactly waning to upset everything especially Mima by trying to move the eggs to candle.

Do you (or does anybody) think ha the other eggs slowed down to "wait for" the olive egg ? That's probably way too complex and just is my way of trying to make sense of things.

If one or more hatches, GREAT! If none hatch, I suspect I'll learn something valuable from this.
Thank you again for your kind reply :)
Well quoting didn't work but...
I really thank you Cerise1924 ! Words of encouragement work for me!
If this was last week I would have said that I Know the date she started siting on them however I doubt my recall now since this is going on.
And for whatever reasons the hatch that was going to be on Thanksgiving was late by 1 1/2--2 1/2 days.
I'm glad you said (and I have one person who sent me a p.m. that agrees with you) to let her be and allow the process since she has proven herself as a great broody. I wasn't exactly waning to upset everything especially Mima by trying to move the eggs to candle.

Do you (or does anybody) think ha the other eggs slowed down to "wait for" the olive egg ? That's probably way too complex and just is my way of trying to make sense of things.

If one or more hatches, GREAT! If none hatch, I suspect I'll learn something valuable from this.
Thank you again for your kind reply :)
@yeye5 You have an inquisitive mind, like a scientist! I have never heard that question posed before, about a "waiting" egg trying to hatch with other chicks, but... it's been discovered recently that turtles eggs do exactly that!

Interesting, hm? I think there's so much we don't know about the natural world, and it is people like you who start wondering and figuring things out.
Ok BYC friends! I'm on to hatch number two of a 4 stage staggered hatch. My question to all of you. Do any of you see an issue with putting newly hatched chicks in with week old chicks? I currently have 3 week old chicks in the brooder and several more now hatching. They are all EEs so they will be the same breed if that matters. Thanks for any input!
Ok BYC friends! I'm on to hatch number two of a 4 stage staggered hatch. My question to all of you. Do any of you see an issue with putting newly hatched chicks in with week old chicks? I currently have 3 week old chicks in the brooder and several more now hatching. They are all EEs so they will be the same breed if that matters. Thanks for any input!

I'm about to try the same thing. I wouldn't try it with just a chick or two, but I have 6 one-week-olds in one tote, 9 in another, and 12 day-olds. I need to combine. So I'm giving it a shot. Hope somebody else tells us if it's a bad idea :p
I've done it a bunch. Try to introduce them at night, when everyone is already settled down. I think 3 weeks of continually adding chicks went ok. Older silkies - they accept them pretty much any age I've introduced them as chicks. Definitely keep an eye on them the first day....
Ok BYC friends! I'm on to hatch number two of a 4 stage staggered hatch. My question to all of you. Do any of you see an issue with putting newly hatched chicks in with week old chicks? I currently have 3 week old chicks in the brooder and several more now hatching. They are all EEs so they will be the same breed if that matters. Thanks for any input!

I'm about to try the same thing. I wouldn't try it with just a chick or two, but I have 6 one-week-olds in one tote, 9 in another, and 12 day-olds. I need to combine. So I'm giving it a shot. Hope somebody else tells us if it's a bad idea
Well, since you asked, I'll let you know how it worked for me.

I've found that brand new baby chicks can get pecked at by older chicks (maybe just curiosity), and the new babies just don't have the strength and confidence to defend themselves on Day One. A lot can depend on the personality of individual chicks, and the breed, I think.

The first time I did this, there was a small age difference between the chicks, but I still ended up separating the newly hatched chicks from the older ones inside the same brooder for a couple of days, so they could see and get used to each other, and so the little ones could get strength. Then, it worked out just fine.

The next time, I put my very gentlest and smallest 3-week old Silkie in with new chicks, and she was a great "babysitter," but they were a large fowl breed and she was a bantam, so she couldn't overwhelm them. I also waited a few days before I put her in with them.

I think it can work. I would just keep an eye out for the babies and have a "Plan B" in place, like a divider in the brooder. just in case. Good luck to you!!

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