February 2017 Hatch-a-long

Ok now how long does it usually take for them to dry off ???

I usually leave them in there for a day or so - i hate risking a humidity drop when I open the bator to get them out. If the chicks are driving me crazy knocking intot he other eggs and chasing around, then i will load a water spray bottle with warm water, quickly whisk them out and give the inside walls of the bator a couple sprays to keep humidity up.
Well, I just got 100 posts behind, so I didn't read the last bit.....Chicks are hatching! I have 4 drying off in the incubator now, 5 pipped, 1 zipped, 2 nothings happened and 14 in the brooder. The two with no activity, I think one is a dud, but I've seen the other on jumping. Here are pictures:

Comet, she was the first to hatch.


Stella (I am in LOVE with her feathered feet.


I have alot more, but those are the ones I have taken pictures of.
Well, it's February 28, so I have to ask...
Is anyone going to start a March Hatch-a-Long?

(I tried my best to NOT start another hatching round, but those enablers on the Hatch-a-holic thread posted such cute chick pics... and so I have more hatching eggs on the way. Yay!!)
Well so far two hatches in and I'm 10-10. I must say if it continues like this, after all four hatches I will have 30 EEs. Needless to say I have started a third coop and run. I would have never guessed I would hatch this many. I will be building a new brooder tomorrow to accommodate all the chicks.
Well, it's February 28, so I have to ask...
Is anyone going to start a March Hatch-a-Long?

(I tried my best to NOT start another hatching round, but those enablers on the Hatch-a-holic thread posted such cute chick pics... and so I have more hatching eggs on the way. Yay!!)

I think a lot of folks are on the Easter hatchalong. I joined it, but I can't keep up with it, there's so many people. A simple March one might be nice.
On another note, I just transitioned 27 rather confused laying hens and one very riled up rooster into their new digs (a lovely 10x12 shed building with 8' walls, miles of roosting space -okay, I exaggerate a tad- and 9 spacious nesting boxes -no exaggeration). And after all the work to get everything 'chicken ready', knowing they will absolutely hate it (because it's new and different) makes me feel amazing.
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