February 2017 Hatch-a-long

I went to Costco yesterday and asked if I could have one of their giant produce boxes (you know, like the potato boxes) and they just went back and got me one... and then I thought, "How the heck am I going to get this in my van?" The produce guy must have read my mind - he showed me how to fold it up. Whalah! New brooder!

I must say what a great idea! I'm going to look around for a big box now that you've said that. Don't ask me why/how I didn't think of that.
Then when I'm done with it I can just throw it away. Thanks for saving me a lot of work, and money.
My small local grocery store leaves their empty boxes by the door for people to take. I usually look thru them for sturdy ones for shipping and ones with vent holes to deliver chicks in. They are happy to get rid of them and not have to crush them. :)
Well number 6 is looking better and now we have number 7 but I have one I'm worried about it zipped yesterday and hasn't came out yet I think it's stuck because it was zipped when I lost the humidity what should I do experts??
Oh, I am so excited! The one lone Sebright egg that made it to lockdown is peeping! It's Day 20, and there are peeps!

This egg had a very loose aircell the whole time, and is propped upright in a cardboard tube. Hoping the little bird can make it out on its own...
My question too. If zipped, there should only be about 30-45 minutes before they come out. If it has been fully zipped for that long, you should assist.

Yes they were zipped both had issues with the membrane drying out I had to intervene or they would not have made it but I'm happy to say as of now I have 10 in my makeshift border one was a zipdry bird I'll send pics and 9 others also have 20 just hatched so I'm excited as can be all are looking great except the one that had the men brain dried on its back but it's up and walking
Yes they were zipped both had issues with the membrane drying out I had to intervene or they would not have made it but I'm happy to say as of now I have 10 in my makeshift border one was a zipdry bird I'll send pics and 9 others also have 20 just hatched so I'm excited as can be all are looking great except the one that had the men brain dried on its back but it's up and walking
It's doing great just the membrane dried up on it the pic shows red but it's not and no sign of a problem that time will not cure it's just stuck to its down my problem is the other one I think I'm going to loose it it was stuck pretty bad and could not pull the shell away from it ether so it's still under high humidity I mistedvitt and set it back into the incubator at 75% humidity hope it will eventually separate and make it but I think it has a small chance but the one on the pic no it will survive it's up and running around with its brothers and sisters

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