FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

I heard chirps last night and woke to 3 pips this morning. I have house guests, a friend and her 2 little girls, so I"m sure tonight will find us all cozied up next to the bator.

I had this happen with my first hatch (106) and still managed to get three chicks out of it. I suppose it depends on how long they were at that temp.
My first hatch was riddled with Murpheys law and my own ineptitude but somehow I had three hatch from one bator and one from the other so there is ALWAYS hope. Nature finds a way usually.
Hang in there!
All of the sudden I'm having humidty issues. Having a harder time keeping the humidity at over 40% even with frequent well filling...
I changed the batteries in the hygrometer just in case that was what was causing it.
We are three days before lockdown. And the bator is full.
Could it be that I have 13 eggs in the Eco so theres more demand or that its been dryer then usual outside?
Hmmmm, ideas?
Alaska winters are dry dry dry... So I do have to add water very often, if the wells are filled I wouldn't stress too much about the numbers on the hygrometer. Unless you calibrated it, you have no way of knowing what it's calibrated to. The humidity under a hen goes up and down too. It's not a constant, she gets up occassionally which lets the temp and humidity fluctuate. I wouldn't worry too much, the humidity will spike during hatching... Just watch (like that's not going to happen anyway) to be sure no one is getting shrink wrapped.

Good luck and happy hatching!!!
Hey Chickincrazee...we both got ameraucanas from 'Rockin Paints' and both lots are due tonight..I already had three hatch last night and others pipped this morning...being at work is killing me and I can't wait to get home..at least I am a school teacher so I should be home by 4pm...can't wait to see who's hatched today!!!!! Why is the clock going so slow...?

ok so I got home to 7 chicks running around and one partly out and 5 more eggs pipped...I am worried about the one partly out - she is not zipping but just pushed part of the shell off... oh and I think one egg is a stinker in there...
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As of lunch time - two out running around - one almost all the way zipped and 7 pipped. This is day 20 of my own NH eggs and I set 30 eggs orginally and at day 14 took out two that had expired early. I have been a nervous wreck hoping I had done things right - thanks to BYC I went into this with more knowledge than you can get from anywhere else! I hate to go back to work for the afternoon but I can see the chicks know what to do! The humidity is at 80% and the temp is 99.7 - my LG is working great for me! THANK YOU fellow BYC'ers! Without your experience and wisdom I don't think this would have ever worked!!!!!
Thank you. I have calibrated and it is about 2% lower then it reads...or it was.
I imagine everything eventually breaks or becomes inaccurate over time.
I might be putting too much trust in an 8.00 hygrometer...
Gave up on my first 6, checked them last nite and they looked the same as they did tuesday. Put in 14 EE eggs from Atlchick, 2 gameX, 2 leghornX, 2 cornishX, and a DorkingX from mine. Hatch date 24th. Using a LG that I borrowed from a friend and the temp is alot more stable, thinking I might need to replace thermostat on mine.
I have 15 hatched - well 16 but I had an accident with one.

32 more to go - I know maybe 2 or 3 of those were suspect from the start - but I figured it wouldn't hurt to let em sit.

Its half way through day 22 & of the remianing eggs only 3 are pipped - 1 of them pipped 2 days ago.

I'm going to let em all sit for maybe 2 more days & then see what they have.

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