FEBRUARY Hatch-A-Long, come join in!!

what are we looking at here? I see no pipping :p

If you look at the bottom right of the brown egg, not the one that says "BLRW?", you will notice two light lines... these are where light is shining on shards of shell that are popped out just a little.
Here's Pip #3!!!
Wonder how many chicks I will wake up to...?!?!?

Pip #1 on the left, and Pip #3 on the right
sorry, forgot to put that in there the first time
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I didn't see it in the pic last night lol. that's very cool! sometime between 3:30 - 5:00 am this morning, one of my eggs pipped. I see no movement or peeping. Is that normal? How long does the process of breaking out take, and at what point should I be worried?
I didn't see it in the pic last night lol. that's very cool! sometime between 3:30 - 5:00 am this morning, one of my eggs pipped. I see no movement or peeping. Is that normal? How long does the process of breaking out take, and at what point should I be worried?

I think I mentioned before, either on this thread or another one, that some chicks are seemingly motionless and then one day there's the chick wobbling around the 'bator ^_^
Most of the chicks from my first hatching were very silent, I didn't hear a peep until they were about to break out. I think this is completely normal. Like humans, some are just more rambunxious than others.
woohoo exciting stuff going on at this thread!

I have 35 wheaten marans (too dark to candle so some maybe clears) & 9 Icelandics hatching on thursday/friday


15 Welsummers hatching on the 15th


5 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks & 18 Splash Marans on the 17th!!!

It's going to be busy around here!

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