feed storage idea


11 Years
Jun 3, 2008
Just north of Raleigh
Right now my feed bags are on the floor just inside the front door, which is not really the look I was going for, lol. I saw these on Craigslist and picked up two for $20 each. They are very durable, thick plastic barrels that originally held 200 lbs. of sodium carbonate (aka washing soda or soda ash) so nothing horrible was in there originally. I washed them out and once they are completely dry, I'm going to store my feed in one and pine shavings in another, and put them *outside*, what a concept!

Once you put the lid on, the ring goes around the edge and the lever clamps the whole thing down reallllly tight so I don't think any critters can get in there. I had thought about the metal-trash-can-plus-bungee-cord idea but then I saw these instead.

I use galvanized cans and have a couple of Rubbermaids. They work great. Just keep in mind to check them over periodically because mice and rats can chew through the plastic.
i found a small chest freezer that no one uses anymore i can get 100 pounds of feed in it and it last me about a month and ahalf i keep it right in the coop. check your local transfer station sometimes u can find dead freezers great for grain storage.
I used to use a big plastic garbage can, but once I found a mouse inside (when I was reaching for the feed scoop, it jumped at me... argh!), I switched to the metal cans.
We use the 35 lb buckets that the cat's litter comes in. One for corn and one for feed. DH just washes them out good first and dries them in the sun. Its really nice because they snap tight and have a split lid for opening.
I use 5/6 gallon buckets that I get from a local donut and breakfast place. The lids seal nicely. I bought a metal tool to take the lids off easier. I have covered sheds next to my barn where I store the buckets with feed, treats (sunflower, oats, scratch, wild birdseed, etc). Best of all the buckets are free. If I need more buckets, I just ask the ahead of time and they will save me some. Other people around here do it too.

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