FEEDERS-metal or plastic?


10 Years
Aug 21, 2009
I am getting ready to buy our new chicks their "grown up" feeders and waterers. We have 5 chicks and may add 2 more in a year or two. I want plastic waterers as I will periodically use ACV and it'll rust the metal ones. The feeder however, is a different story. I want to be able to clean it well so there is no left over powder residue to get moldy. I also wish to get one that will help prevent them from scratching out much feed (to prevent rodents). I rather spend a few more dollars to get what will be best for my situation. Any thoughts??
I should add that I live near Portland, Oregon in the burbs. We don't get many days that stay below freezing in the winter--maybe a week at most in an unusual winter.
I had a metal hanging feeder and hated it. Sold it for scrap metal. I think the metal was too thin, it warped and bent all the time.

I don't like the plastic ones because they do wear out faster (break down in the sun/weather) but at least they don't bend every whicha-way. I'm currently satisfied with plastic feeders -- both homeade and storebought.
I have used a plastic hanging feeder for a couple of years without complaint. I also have a feeder I made out of a plastic nut jar with a pie tin attached to the bottom. The girls prefer to both eat and drink out of the plastic containers. The metal may make things taste funny, I don't know.
I live in WA, just near you, but we use metal feeders. We ALWAYS have them indoors though. . You know, because of the neverending rain.

Our waterers are plastic though.
I homemade my feeder using cheese ball jar (I ate the cheese balls of course) and an easter egg basket as the bottom tray. I drill out the big holes at the lowest part of the wall of the jar. The tray has a higher wall than the store bought feeder. I get almost no wasted food since the chickens cant scratch or flick the food out of the tray. I dont have any problem with the plastic waterer.

You might like a feeder like this one, that prevents food from being billed out. This is a smaller model, since you have a smaller flock. We've got a larger model that we bought locally.


I've used all kinds of feeders over the years and they've all worked for me and the chickens. Having any feeder elevated helps reduce waste. I like to keep the food in the coop, to keep it dry.
I never saw a cheeseball jar--do you have a picture of your creation? I bet I'm not the only one wanting to see it!
Plastic waterers are a PAIN! They are annoying cuz you have to flip them over to fill them up and then tighten the base on etc...(on some models) they also don't hold up as well. I'd suggest having metal! When you need to use a plastic one just switch cuz I hate plastic waterers

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