feeding crickets


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
i wanted to get my ducks some crickets but where would i put the crickets? i thought about putting them in the paddling pool without water but the sides are only about a foot high, would this keep them in or would they jump out? how do you guys feed your ducks crickets?
I m sure they could jump out .. They cant jump straight up but they can jump a good distance out ... I would put them in the water theyll move enough to get the ducks attention ....
My experience with the crickets you buy in pet stores (versus the wild crickets which are a different variety) is that they don't jump much. If you put them in a plastic container with sides a foot high, they shouldn't be able to jump out of that. Putting them in the water is kind of cruel because they drown easily.
I bought my crickets at a bait shop and threw them in the water bowl...the ducks all-goned them before any could hop out...but they weren't great at hopping anyway. So there's a thought.

Try tiny crappie-sized minnows...they'll love them!
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we threw a bunch of crickets in a glass gallon jar. The sides were way too high for the crickets but the ducks had no problem reaching in. a container with somewhat high walls made of glass or ceramic would easily contain crickets (can't jump out and clean glass is too slippery for them to crawl out.
lol how is that cruel...the ducks are going to eat them...i doubt you have time to worry about them drowning before the ducks get them.
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lol how is that cruel...the ducks are going to eat them...i doubt you have time to worry about them drowing before the ducks get them.

I guess it depends on whether or not the ducks want to eat the crickets. Ours ate all of them but didn't attack them right away (ate them when we weren't around).
It a cricket .. We fish with them by sticking a hook thru there bodies then throwing them in water .. I dont think putting them in the water bowl is nearly as cruel as that...
We throw them in there little pool with water in it or hand feed them. My ducks go nuts over anything we throw in there pool, they know that it is something good it if gets to go in there pool.

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