Feeding Ducks


Cj's Mandarin Ducks
11 Years
Mar 11, 2008
Central PA
Good Morning,
I have mandarin ducks and I feed a duck feed along with other things. My question is a neighbor that has (had) chickens has some left over food from the sale of her birds. She gave me a few bags of layer pellets which I know is ok for ducks also. But she gave me about 200# of chop (ground corn and other things for chicken laying 16%). Can chop be fed to ducks? I thought I remember long ago told no chop for ducks, but I am not sure. Could someone verify this. I thought it might be a nice treat but not sure if I can. If not, will find a home for the chop she gave me. Thanks
Chop is like scratch? It should be fine but as with all treats shouldn’t be more than 10% of the ducks diet a day. My ducks and other poultry get whole corn 6 way scratch and meal worms as an afternoon snack.
No the chop is like ground corn and other stuff but its ground like a powder. That is what I worry about. Will it get stuck in their throats. I have plenty of water in their pen and a pond so no worries there with having plenty of water.
Mine eat ground mash with out any trouble, as long as there is plenty of water more than likely if anything like my ducks they’ll have it wet in no time. Why not put out some and see how they do.
thank you, that was the term "Mash" and not chop. Thanks. I know my doves and pigeons and one pet quail love it. Do you feed this as their diet or for a snack?
The mash I use is chick starter and broiler feed and my ducklings and chicks eat it dry my adults I ferment their mash. This is their normal feed. So I am guessing this is what you have. I have Muscovy, Runners and Buffs in my ducks.
The mash I use is chick starter and broiler feed and my ducklings and chicks eat it dry my adults I ferment their mash. This is their normal feed. So I am guessing this is what you have. I have Muscovy, Runners and Buffs in my ducks.
Thank you for getting back to me. What do you mean "ferment their mash"? Does that mean you add water to it?

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