Feeding Garden leftovers.


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Don't forget while harvesting the garden to save the extras and leftovers for the chickens. If you are lucky enough to have one of those old hand cranked meat grinders or an extra old food processor they are great to grind up things to bite size for the birds. I have found they will eat all kinds of stuff it its chopped up to their bite size. They can't eat things like rinds or hard fruits and vegs normally because they can't bite them,if you grind them up they love them! And its good for them and makes the good dark egg yolks! I even grind up grass,they will eat a lot more of it if its in tiny little bits. I fastened a grinder up outside and enjoy making "salads" for my flocks! and they watch with antispation till I bring it to them. Helps cut the feed bill to!
Thanks Rollerman, Your suggestions are great! My brood is only 7 weeks old and they seem to be a bit picky. I am going to see what I can find to chop up my offerings. Right now they are just eating their starter food. Hmm I am wondering if a blender will work, perhaps on 'Chop" I'll try this in the morning. Thanks again, Gardengirl Sandi:)

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