feeding sprouts, grass alternative?

Ok, so let me be the one to ask to goofy, noob question....

Where do ya'll get the wheat/oat/grain seeds from?
The feed store should have a wide variety of options for seeds.

To sprout in a jar:
cut a small patch of mesh netting (like a window screen) to fit a mason jar
Add 4 tbspn of seeds
Attach the mesh using Only the ring
Fill with water and swish
Let sit overnight (in the water)
In the morning drain
Let sit for the day (drained)
At night fill, swish and drain
Repeat each am and pm (once a day may b ok)
Expect the sprouts to sprout
My girls love crickets. I alsofeed them the accasional snail that I find aroun the yard { I no longer spread snail poison}.I also sometimes dig up worms from the garden for a treat.
getting some interesting ideas here, thank you! what i've been doing with my five 10-week olds is just moving their small detachable pen around the yard once in the morn and once in the evening, for an hour or 2 at a time (since city codes here say the chickens have to be enclosed at all times). the problem that's developing is my 2 young kids getting fresh chicken poop all over their feet when they play out there. things will go south quickly if/when that poop gets tracked onto our carpet in the house...
i might look into the bungee cord to the side of the pen idea =)
getting some interesting ideas here, thank you! what i've been doing with my five 10-week olds is just moving their small detachable pen around the yard once in the morn and once in the evening, for an hour or 2 at a time (since city codes here say the chickens have to be enclosed at all times). the problem that's developing is my 2 young kids getting fresh chicken poop all over their feet when they play out there. things will go south quickly if/when that poop gets tracked onto our carpet in the house... :barnie    i might look into the bungee cord to the side of the pen idea =)

That's one reason we don't free range or use tractors. But we would still like for our chickens to have some grass without my having to pick it every day. So I'm going to try the bungee thing.

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