feeding sprouts, grass alternative?

love this blog! I have been sprouting and growing microgreen for about 6 months now for myself and my birds.sunflower green grown for a week in dirt tray.chia will sprout wonderfully on a unglazed terra cotta dish. I also have a mix of mustard kale and broccoli seeds I sprout in jars until green. the biggest majority of sprouts I use is a dear plot mix I purchase from Tractor Supply with no chemicals. the bag is a bit expensive but it is still cheaper than buying from the health food store. my last bag of plot I purchased was 40 or 50 dollars for 40 pound bag. it contains rye wheat oat clover radish and a few more. my girls don't like dry scratch but they love love sprouted grains. doing my own research about nutritional benefit of sprouts I learned when a seed is dormant it contains enzyme inhibitors that make it harder for the body to digest nutrients. want the seed has come to life even if it is just soaked in water for 8 hours it is way more nutritional than before. also small sprouts are nutrient than full size vegetable. for instance you would have to eat about 6 heads of broccoli to get the same nutrition as 1 cup of broccoli sprouts. this is because the seed is remarkable and contains so much nutrition to get the plant started growing. you can start sprout broccoli seeds into a green using nothing but filtered watet. it's pretty amazing
Thanks for sharing! I am also interested in sprouting grains, etc. for my birds. So far I have tried a flat of red winter weed grass with success. I like your suggestions very much and will try them also. I have been mixing the leftover fines from the organic layer mash in the feeder with homemade water kefir with huge success also.
BTW, if you haven't read this thread you may enjoy it too. ~Dee~
Aspen- Beautiful ducks? Do they only eat the bottom or all?

Yes, ducks. : ) Thank you, they are such darlings.

They eat every last piece of grass, seeds, roots, the whole works. For each lb of dry seed I can turn it into 6+ lbs of fodder. A whole lot more bang for your buck, I say.

~ Aspen
Those pix are a little of what we do. Hydroponic greens and lettuces. Then we do wheatgrass, a sprouted bean and pea mix, and a sprouted wheat/oat mix. They love it. We will do a flood and drain table of purslane, plantain, strawberry spinach, alfalfa, and dandelions this spring.
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After reading about how much chickens love sprouts, I started seeding mung beans. None of my six chickens eat them at all. Tried giving them to them at three day's growth up to 7. Six different breeds as well. Not sure what the problem is..

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