Feisty chick


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
San Diego
I brought home two Silver Laced Wyandotte females this weekend. I believe they're about 2 weeks old now.

I went to pick them up so I could tidy their brooder a bit and one of them gave my hand a couple pecks! I'm certain they're still needing some human handling but I was wondering if aggression like that might be a sign of things to come later down the road.

Was this simply one chick's way of handling its fear?
My Delaware pecks my hand every time I reach in to do anything in the brooder and yet he loves to come out and cuddle on a shoulder or a lap or even in your hand and fall asleep. One of my RIR's runs like heck whenever I reach in and still is not that comfortable with being handled, but she doesn't peck. So I am curious as well about the Delaware pecking issue.
I have 10 2 week old bantams and 5 come up and peck at my hands when I reach in, but I know it's b/c I sometimes hand feed them yogurt on my fingers. I was actually wondering if I was creating a bad habit as the pecks are a little more aggressive in just 1 week, but I read that it's good to hand feed them to make them friendly.
I love my little hens. Not long ago they were chirping up a storm in the brooder in my bathtub. They mostly ran away from me, but now they all come scootin' when I go outside. I get plenty of chicken scritches... On a hot day some even like to nibble the sweat on my arms. (eww?!?!?)

What I've learned is that if one chick is going to go after food, they peck soft. If two go, they peck harder, three and gets worse. So when all 12 of mine are going after pasta between my fingers, they aim, close their eyes, and FIRE!!! (I just spent 1 minute deciding if the comma should go after eyes or and... I'm weird)
I've been bitten more times by pullets than roosters. Peck them back on top of the head with your finger until they back down. They don't ever bite me again.
we hand feed scratch to all our hens.. some are stronger at pecking than others.. they pinch and hurt . but mostly they are gentle you just learn which ones to to feed on the ground next to your hands lol
My Delaware pullet pecks for treats in my hands harder than the others. Even when she gets there first, and there's no competition. My BSL ALWAYS scoop-pecks goodies out of my hands instead of just picking up the individual treats. She doesn't go for the stuff that falls, she pecks up one bit, but pulls back with a sweep EVERY single time to sweep more out of my hands. My BR is a lovely, gently pecking girl. The senior ladies are deliberate in picking up individual seeds or oats, or bits of shredded cheese, but they WILL turn and peck HARD at any upstart that tries to jump seniority.



But I was surprised at the strength of Delilah Delaware's peck.... She doesn't peck ME, she just pecks into my hand much harder than the others.
"But I was surprised at the strength of Delilah Delaware's peck.... She doesn't peck ME, she just pecks into my hand much harder than the others."

Maybe it's a Delaware thing? So far it's rarely hard enough to hurt, but I would rather it not become a habit as she gets bigger. I notice the duck getting in on the action as well....is it considered an upstart?

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