Female or male?


8 Years
Aug 28, 2015
Mountains of Fayette County, WV
Tiny is a little over 4 month old Easter Egger with stunted growth who weighs about 1 pound, about the size of a small bantam. I need help in determining the sex. Due to size I keep her/him separated from the flock. Typically if I'm out doing something around the yard, Tiny is never far away from me pecking bugs or is content sitting on my lap.




Tiny when I first got her and 5 other Easter Eggers, they joined 3 light Brahma pullets and a Rouen duckling. He's slightly smaller than the other Easter Eggers. They grew, he barely grew and even now I have trouble keeping weight on him. He's fed a high protein diet including getting cat food.


Corrected to say he/him.
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Tiny when I first got her and 5 other Easter Eggers, they joined 3 light Brahma pullets and a Rouen duckling. She's slightly smaller than the other Easter Eggers. They grew, she barely grew and even now I have trouble keeping weight on her. She's fed a high protein diet including getting cat food.

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It was kind of you to take Tiny in and care for him or her so well.

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