Female Pekins and a Male Chinese goose


Nov 11, 2020
We have 3 female pekin ducks, 1 male mallard, and 1 male chinese goose. We made the mistake of just getting straight run. I don't think I would do that again. If goose was female, I feel like we would be better off. The goose is like my daughter's baby, he sits on her lap, will do anything for her, including protect her from us ;). My issue is that our goose mates with all three females and he is pulling out their feathers and leaving bruises around their eyes, it is driving me crazy. I want to hear what your thoughts are on what I can do if anything. I've considered getting him a female goose to mate with, but would solve our issues? and would it change the relationship between my daughter and him? create more issues? I wish there was salt-peter for geese!
I don't know what to say here. I've never had geese with ducks, but it is technically impossible to get a cross breed of the two, which I'm sure you know. You could try getting him a female goose, but he will still mate with the ducks.
I don't know what to say here. I've never had geese with ducks, but it is technically impossible to get a cross breed of the two, which I'm sure you know. You could try getting him a female goose, but he will still mate with the ducks.
"he will still mate with the ducks"... I was afraid of that... maybe there is no answer
I don't really have the answers either, but I can share our experience. It's only around this "time" here in Florida. We've had our Chinese Goose, Gad for over a year and he is particularly fond of our runners. He's never hurt one, but there has been a close call before. We keep them in separate coops at night and definitely free range during the day. We've seen it a couple of times, but nothing major and we are out there all day long (we raise cattle and baby bottle calves). There's a distinct call in my opinion during his forbidden operation, lol. I can most certainly answer the other questions, getting more females does not stop this. He has two females and believe it or not we've not seen him ever mate with them. Hope this helps.
Our goose if very protective of them all and since he grew up with the hens, they all go into the same coop. But the mating... that call is very distinctive.. my "office" is close to their pond and I cringe every time I hear it. He doesn't mean to hurt them, but his grab is intense. I guess we are at status quo.
My Embden gander was hatched by a Muscovy duck grew up with them an took his surrogate mama as his mate but did mate with the other Muscovy too. Never injured one and was very protective of them an the ducklings. When he was 5 yrs old I brought him home a female goose who was 4 months old. He wanted nothing to do with her. When she turned 5 months I finally separated him and his goose from the Muscovy so they would bond . He would put his head down to keep her away but gradually became interested enough they began hanging out. Finally when she turned 8 months old breeding season started and that sealed the deal and they have been inseparable ever sense. He is almost 14 her almost 9 both in one month. Only time he will try an mate with any of the ducks now is if one gets into the pool with him but it rarely happens. They seem to know to stay out of the pool when the gander gets in. So getting him a female goose will help since geese mate for life. It will just take time.
My Embden gander was hatched by a Muscovy duck grew up with them an took his surrogate mama as his mate but did mate with the other Muscovy too. Never injured one and was very protective of them an the ducklings. When he was 5 yrs old I brought him home a female goose who was 4 months old. He wanted nothing to do with her. When she turned 5 months I finally separated him and his goose from the Muscovy so they would bond . He would put his head down to keep her away but gradually became interested enough they began hanging out. Finally when she turned 8 months old breeding season started and that sealed the deal and they have been inseparable ever sense. He is almost 14 her almost 9 both in one month. Only time he will try an mate with any of the ducks now is if one gets into the pool with him but it rarely happens. They seem to know to stay out of the pool when the gander gets in. So getting him a female goose will help since geese mate for life. It will just take time.
That is true, the two instances have only been in the pool, so wow, thank you for that amazing aha moment.

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