Fencing needed for Icelandic chickens?


5 Years
Feb 29, 2016
helloooo!! After a two year break from chickens due to finally moving to some acreage we have 9 gawky birds in our basement growing quick. We have a beautiful backyard of hills, rocks, forest, open grass and a ton of decay piles. My dream is to have the chickens roam free but I am scared of losing them as I have already seen a fox right in my front yard.

I was going to buy electric netting if I ran into any issues but should I just start with it and move them every couple weeks? I really just wanted to open the door and let them out and then close them in at night.

Hoping we have a rooster in the bunch for protection. I love this breed and can’t wait to watch my flock grow!!
I don’t have problems with foxes here, but it probably would be best to fence them in, they will still have plenty of space and you could rotate the pen time by time. A rooster would work too (for guarding a few hens) Hope this helps!

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