Fermented Feed + Chicks


Almy Acres Farm
8 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Upstate, NY
Hi everyone! I have only been fermenting my feed since January. My flock loves it and I love how much it saves on feed! I was just wondering for those that do ferment, when I can offer it to my chicks? I have some 2 week olds and am currently incubating another batch for friends. Is it even beneficial for chicks?
@DobieLover I understandyou ferment...any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
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yes your chicks can have it too, unless you're fermenting whole grains, in which case they might struggle with the grain size for the first month or so. I have raised 4 batches with free choice ff and chick feed, and they happily eat both.
Awesome!!! I always offer both dry All Flock and fermented feed to my flock and they love it! I will offer a couple tablespoons of it to my babies with their dry chick starter. Thanks for your response!
Be well! ❤️
Do you have any tips and tricks for me? I am just now testing it this week.
I use cleaned out kitty littler containers. I put in 3 to 3 1/2 scoops of dry all flock feed. Add water to cover. Mix ( I use an old broom handle) be sure to get all the dry feed mixed in. Add more water and mix again thoroughly. I add water til it is about 2 inches over the feed to prevent mold. I store the container in a cool dark place, slightly opening the hinged top to prevent gas build up. I then stir about once a day until the 3rd day.....then Serve!

I give my flock of 24, 8 cups (2 2 cup measuring cups per container) of the fermented feed in 2 separate containers. I feed them in the am and by roosting time, both containers are gone. I do continue to provide oyster shell and dry All Flock feed all day, everyday as well.

I have 3 batches of Fermented feed on a rotation so that there is no wait time in between days.

Be sure to never feed your flock any mold that may grow. Discard all feed if it gets spoiled. Make sure you have mouse traps where you store your FF containers. I have caught 2 field mice and a mole in the past month! They love all the drippings! I store it in a separate room in my barn.

Also....use the left-over juice from your finished container to start the next batch. It will help it ferment faster.
Hope that helps!!!!
I'm happy to find more people fermenting! I know there's several naysayers, but I've had great results as far as cutting costs, and I truly think my hens lay more eggs. I'm going to college to get a degree in poultry science and I'd like to be able to study this. Maybe my way is wrong, I know a lot of people put more water in, but I haven't had a problem yet. I use 3 cheap Wal-Mart jugs that I rotate. I put 1/3 the amount of crumbles I'd feed dry in, then put an equal part water in. I close the lid and shake every day. When I give it, there's no extra water, in fact it's almost like a clumpy batter. Then I take the jug in and wash it out for the next batch.

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