Fermented feed feeder

Good point, sorry this was probably in the wrong thread. Got all excited when I was reading and carried away. I love hennibles design for the feeder though! The consistency really changes as new is added in so I guess back to the drawing board. The ladies and Turks have been a tad spoiled and don't really like the dry crumbles nearly so much as the mash. Hmmm.
Thanks for the feedback hennible, maybe a covered stock tank with a heater in it would e sufficient to keep the mash warm enough. I was thinking a bubbler to keep the water nice to drink so it's not stagnating and moving around but a filter pump might work as well too. Will have to wait and see how winter treats it.
Has anyone tried a heat lamp over thier feeder? Maybe even on a timer so it's not on all the time?
I have an opposite problem from many of you ladies in that I live in the southwest USA with late spring, summer,early fall temps in the 100+ range and covered or not my fermenented feed will mold.
I only currently have 3 hens so keep tupperwares in my pantry in rotation. I make enough for apx 2 says at a time. One fermenting, one dry and ready to go. The current in the frig. I feed twice a day. Once after I collect eggs and again in the evening to make sure to entice them back in. (they run/co-op at night and have address to the and my yard all day)
My hardest part is keeping the dogs from sneaking in and gobbling up the fermented feed. They love it too.
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Subscribing and bumping. Been feeding exclusively FF with six week old chickens and looking to prepare for vacation without switching to dry.

Looks like there no solution that person love yet, but I have hopes.
Subscribing and bumping. Been feeding exclusively FF with six week old chickens and looking to prepare for vacation without switching to dry.

Looks like there no solution that person love yet, but I have hopes.

We just went away for a long weekend and our friends just fed from the bucket and stirred it for us. I did show them how to add more feed and then more water if they were running low. Do you have someone checking in on the chickens? Just show them how to do it.
We just went away for a long weekend and our friends just fed from the bucket and stirred it for us.  I did show them how to add more feed and then more water if they were running low.  Do you have someone checking in on the chickens?  Just show them how to do it.  

I will do this. But, I also want to search for an option where I can leave the coop be without monitoring for a day to three days. More likely than not, I'll set up a dry feeder.
I will do this. But, I also want to search for an option where I can leave the coop be without monitoring for a day to three days. More likely than not, I'll set up a dry feeder.

That's what I am going to do, set up a dry feeder. My hubby will be caring for my chickens while I'm gone for a week. He already will be doing so much what with hens in one area, chicks in another.
With that in mind, I gave the chicks some dry feed and they thought it was a great treat! They hens won't be thrilled, but they get to free range. Dry feed for a few days will be fine, and I'm glad to have that option.
You are a genius this is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you! Home Depot pvc section here I come! Would this work with a long skinny PVC pipe or does it only work in a large area like a tub or bucket?
Just thought I'd check in to see if anyone has come up with the holy grail fermenter/feeder! Great thread regardless, thanks for sharing all of the brainstorming.

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