FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

The vast majority of food grade DE is amorphous. Crystalline is more the issue and results from being chemically treated and heated, like use for pools.

How does the food grade mechanically lacerate the worm's/lice/mites/larvae/eggs bodies, as everyone claims, and cause dessication if it cannot cut them with sharp edges? I'm thinking there are many other ways to keep animals and humans healthy besides eating silica...many.


Today was the day!!!!!
Moved the FF bucket back to the coop!!! My room is my room once again...well..it will be after/when/if these chicks hatch. Then I'll be sprouting seedlings there too, so will still be doing double duty for awhile.

No more big, blue bucket~no matter how much I love him~for me to stumble upon.

Quote: I have read both arguments for and against..... I have used pool grade to filter Aquariums and pools since 1966. I have a big bag of food grad up at the house.... My reasoning at the time was "Its benign cant hurt and its cheap"....I have never used it. Because of the nature of the diatom and reading other testamony from peoplw who say, it cant work when wet.... Even with the food grade There are cautions to use a mask for application...

Key word here is Silicosis

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatomaceous_earth
""Inhalation of crystalline silica is harmful to the lungs, causing silicosis. Amorphous silica is considered to be low toxicity, but prolonged inhalation cause changes to the lungs.[24] Diatomaceous earth is mostly amorphous silica, but contains some crystalline silica, especially in the saltwater forms.[25] In a study of workers, those exposed to natural DE for over 5 years had no significant lung changes, while 40% of those exposed to the calcined form had developed pneumoconiosis.[26] Today's common D.E. formulations are safer to use as they are predominantly made up of amorphous silica and contain little or no crystalline silica.[27]""

Then I realized the real reason to not use it as a dust bath or dry food application. Because its down close and personal to the chickens. And their respiroatory systems are much smaller than ours. Personally I dont care if it works.... and I believe it does work. but IF I have to use a breathing mask to apply it I dont want to use it.

I may use what I have to filter the water for Aquaponics for the return loop. Pool grade will filter out organizsms down to 3-5 microns.... Believe it or not that is enough to clean a duck pond clear of organic material...... I have seen them Clean a 100 gallon aquarium With the fish still in it yet you couldnt see the fish within about five minutes the water would be crystal.

So... I would use either to filter water because I can control MY exposure. For pest control I would rather use other means....

How does the food grade mechanically lacerate the worm's/lice/mites/larvae/eggs bodies, as everyone claims, and cause dessication if it cannot cut them with sharp edges?  I'm thinking there are many other ways to keep animals and humans healthy besides eating silica...many. 

Supposedly, it's the shape of the diatom that does the job when taken internally. I know people who swear by it not only for their animals, but for their human family members, too. {Shrugs}

I can see the benefit with external application, though. Pretty sure I would never ingest it.....
Has any research been done to see if the fermented food and increased prebiotics and probiotics change the chemistry of the eggs?

I've not seen any about the chemistry of the eggs. They've got study results of heavier eggs, thicker shells, etc. We've noted larger yolks and better taste, but I don't know that anyone is doing extensive studies of what fermented feed does to the chemistry of the egg.

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