FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Do you think I got enough buckets? Hahaha!

I'm probably going to turn some of them into the PVC feeders I've seen on here and maybe a meal worm colony or two. Best part about it was they were free.
Bonus. What a score.
I'm disturbed when I think of all the food grade buckets that get thrown away by all the restaurants all over the country.
And they're recyclable, even if they can't find people that need them.

I have a question folks--I started fermenting chick starter 2 mos ago--it's nice, bubbly smells right etc. I pit about 6 cups fresh feed in the container every day--I notice it gets more active working on the new stuff--my question is--will some of the new feed then not be fermented. How does that work? Also, bc I only have chicks right now I am using a 2 gallon glass jar but am making a huge drippy mess on my floors when carring feed in sifter from bathroom out to coop. I could move feed out in a large patio bin I keep in run for feed, supplies but we still are in the 30s at night--is that too cold? You wouldn't believe how hard the drips are to mop up!
I think you're fine as long as it doesn't freeze. I try to bring it in but if it isn't below 32, I don't freak out.

Getting ready to start my first batch in a day or two. Babies coming in 8 days. Yea!!! I've been researching all this for 6 mo and it's so exciting to finally get some feed back on my own.
Make sure you stir it while waiting on your babies to keep mold from growing on top. That happens here at about 3 days. BTW, 3 days is when mine starts smelling right.

... Maybe we need a sticky with all of this information in it for new people who want to learn about it but don't want to ask in the forum or sift through this thread to find it. That way you wouldn't have to post the links every dozen pages or so either.
Great idea.
The lacto-fermentation process is anaerobic, so does better without the presence of oxygen, but it can explode if there's no where for the gasses to escape, which happens when you stir it, lol.

Yeast needs oxygen to ferment, if I'm not mistaken.I would love someone that has actual knowledge (instead of just me guessing) about it to chime in lol.

I've been fermenting for 8 months now. It really does not need a starter, if you are wanting to hurry it up just use a small amount of ACV. This whole worry about bad germs taking over is not necessary. I worried at first too because I didn't understand, but I've read through this thread and read other things. It really is simple. When you mess with it too much is when you run the chance of ruining it.
The anaerobic and aerobic cultures work together. Most of us use a moist not dripping wet ferment and get wonderful results. Much of what other websites say can be misleading. These findings are just what I've seen from people who have tried to research from other sites. Simple is almost always better.
What are some other uses (chicken or human) for ACV? I bought a bottle to start my feed going and have all but 1/8 cup left.
I tried to get some. Smash Burger said they just put them in the dumpster. That I should check. I asked if they could call me or if I could just keep checking back with them. They were not pleased. I did check but no luck. Finally just bought one for $5. It is sad how much is wasted.

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