FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I guess I will give it a try!
But I am concerned about mold. What can I do to prevent that?
I guess I will give it a try!
But I am concerned about mold. What can I do to prevent that?

There are good molds and bad molds and the best way to control the situation is making it conducive for the good molds...those that will work to compost your material. Good airflow from great ventilation is the best way to keep things in balance for deep litter in the coop. Using materials that are of different size lets air flow into the litter and helps with good composting as well. Using materials that are all the same size and density creates "caps" where moisture is trapped on the surface and the bad mold forms...like when you used straw.

Good ventilation at all levels sweeps the warm air and ammonia that is a byproduct of composting out of the coop and keeps the top surface of the litter nice and dry, while the bottom layers can remain a little moist to encourage the growth of healthy bacteria and yeasts needed to break down the feces and bedding materials.
Hm, but if the bottom is moist, won't the floor rot out? My coop has a wood floor and I have had to deal with moisture in the wood before... not good. Can you do deep litter with a dry bedding?
Nope...gotta get moist to compost. Most will put down linoleum or a layer of plastic or even a wood coating of some kind to protect the wood, which is a good idea in a coop whether one uses a litter system or not, as chicken poop can by mighty moist at times and draws bugs to live in the wood.

I have a soil floor and it works best but have done DL in a wood floor also...not as ideal but it can be done if started with some cultured compost or just plain ol' soil.
I have 3 giant jars that I start over 3 days. It takes about 3 days, so then I have my rotation set up. I start it with tbls of ACV, as it cuts down on bad bacteria. I use grain, and add pollard and grower when I serve it, plus a few chopped greens and veggies if I have them. Pollard and grower is for my growers, and meat birds, not for the layers! I make enough that my flocks can eat it within about 1/2 an hour. Anymore than that and you are feeding too much. I always go on the premise that you need to spread the feed bowls around so younger or weaker members get a share. This serves me well as I have ducks and guineas as well. Chooks love a full crop before bed!
especially before bed. They free range all day, in different groups as we have 25 acres. So this works as I can give different rations. May not work for everyone.
After using this new trough for some time now, I can say it's my favorite trough style yet. I'm loving the bar across the top and the height and depth of this trough...it's perfect for my size of flock and for going away for weekends and loading it up with sufficient feed. I need to add a few more drainage holes but other than that, it's perfect!
I started fermenting the grower I got from my feed store , it seemed like I was getting less food?? I measured it today and sure enough 2 cups dry made 1 3/4 cups wet??? I put it threw a strainer but what the heck is going on. I let it ferment for three days, it bubbles gets the white mother thing and smells right.

Also could someone tell me if I can mix my own grain mix for 10 week old chicks and what could I use???

I started fermenting the grower I got from my feed store , it seemed like I was getting less food?? I measured it today and sure enough 2 cups dry made 1 3/4 cups wet??? I put it threw a strainer but what the heck is going on. I let it ferment for three days, it bubbles gets the white mother thing and smells right.


I'm not sure about that. My feed turns to a super soggy cereal/oatmeal consistency when I get it wet, so not sure I could drain it to measure. But fermenting it shouldn't make MORE feed, but I use much LESS feed because the nutrition is so easily absorbed. My feed pellets are broken down to mush, and that would physically be "less" in a dry measure.
It was just suggested to me that I need to add more food. My starter puffed up and became more in food, it expanded. This grower is strictly brown powder / crumbs. I'll add less water and some scratch and see what happens ,

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