FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

You sure can....you can even ferment your starter. I start all my chicks out on FF starter and then flip them over to FF layer and free range by 2 wks of age. They thrive on it!
Perfect!! Thank you so much Bee!! I'm so happy that I could get advice from someone so knowledgeable! <3 You don't get enough credit for all the help you're giving everyone. Truly a blessing! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to help everyone on this thread. I'm grateful a thousand times over! You're a saint<3
I forgot to add, I have some chick probiotics.. Can I add that to get it started?

Edit: I added it anyway - if it doesn't work, I'll start all over. I also noticed that the feed that I have lists "dried fermentation product of lactobacillus casei" and a bunch of other fried fermentation lactobacillus so &so's! Does this mean it'll speed up the process!?
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Update: the feed without the probiotics has bubbles! I'd also like to add that I used tap water for this batch without dechlorinating the water.

The feed that I added the probiotics to doesn't but I started it at around 12PM last night is maybe its too soon to tell? This batch had strictly filtered water. I also added some wild bird feed (about half a cup).

Both have a sweet but sour smell. The temp in Southern California is in the high 90's lately! I will continue to update!
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So I have a feed question. And since most here seem to have the same rather simplistic view of things that I strive for, you're my chosen experts. My oldest are coming up on 18 weeks! (Yay! Egg watching begins!) so I'm thinking I need to start getting a layer feed lined up, oyster shell, neat boxes, etc. I went to the local tractor supply. I thought I'd read people with mixed age flocks just let everyone eat layer after they are out of the brooder and integrated into the rest of the flock. I'm out of starter/grower and Id rather get my older girls on layer than have them start laying on starter. Is that thinking wrong? The very youngest in my flock are about 6 weeks. When I went to check out, they told me that "you can't feed layer to a chicken under 6 months old. They HAVE to be on grower only until then. Their digestive systems can't handle anything more than grower." That even conflicted with the feed packaging. This is the first time I've ever heard this. I've seen them eat all kinds of things and never had an issue. I have a hard time believing they are that sensitive. I see no way to try and separate everyone by age so they get the "appropriate" feed. Is it as crazy as it sounded to me? Or is it really that urgent that I keep my big girls on starter/grower because there are younger kids in the flock that might eat the layer?
Yep...that's crazy. Never listen to feed store employees...I've heard some really wild things coming from that source and this is just another one. The only difference between starter/grower and layer should be the calcium levels and, possibly, the protein levels. Neither of these affect digestion at all unless they are seriously elevated way past any known formulated chicken feed....calf manna, maybe, but that's not exactly made for chickens, now is it?

I give all birds the same thing, simply because I know that all my birds, from small to great, are consuming WAY more calcium in the plants they consume than they ever ingest in layer ration, so if there is danger to the renal function of young birds by the tiny increase in calcium from starter to layer my birds should be on dialysis by the time they are 2 months old just to stay alive. Here's a run down on just white clover, which my birds graze quite frequently and obviously....


Always good to challenge the "accepted wisdom" out there by doing your own research and coming to your own conclusions on things based on a compilation of all you've learned, though not many go that route and will stick with something they or someone else read in a book about poultry and pass along as gospel truth.
Sorry, I searched through the thread but I guess "I feed my chicks" did not lead me to answers like "I feed my chicks about 2-3 times a day."

How many times should I feed my chicks? I ask this because I know we shouldn't leave the feed outside for more than an hr.

I have chicks that are about 4.5 weeks old and I also have three that are barely 2 weeks old.

Why shouldn't you leave the feed outside for more than an hour?
I leave feed out for days when I travel. There's absolutely no reason that one cannot leave FF out for the chickens, no matter how long. It tends to turn a little grey in color when left out but still edible and no different than when first left out...the chickens still eat it, grey or not.

For chicks I usually feed twice a day and enough for them to have a nice breakfast and time to clean their plate well before an evening feeding...and that evening feeding should sustain them and be completely cleaned up when I feed the next meal. If it's not, I feed less each time until they are cleaning it up well. Contrary to popular consensus, chicks do not have to have access to feed 24/7 in order to stay healthy.

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