FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Yes of course! Glad I could help! I'm a very numbers driven person myself and I spent a total of about 8 hours over the course of last week figuring out the $ per % of protein per lb of feed of various brands and grains because... why not? I do all the budgeting in our house and get all the bills paid, constructed our path to retirement, all of that. My captain thinks I'm a mad wizard. :p
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Okay so I decided to start my FF today following the suggestions in the link recently posted. I added 5 cups of starter and 5 cups of water. It looks way too thick to me. Do I just keep adding water?
Okay so I decided to start my FF today following the suggestions in the link recently posted. I added 5 cups of starter and 5 cups of water. It looks way too thick to me. Do I just keep adding water?
Yes, you can add water to make it the consistency you want. If it's too runny Addmore feed. If it's too thick add more water. Give it a little time to also get in before you make too many adjustments.
Okay so I decided to start my FF today following the suggestions in the link recently posted. I added 5 cups of starter and 5 cups of water. It looks way too thick to me. Do I just keep adding water?
I have found there is a magic consistency for my enjoyment. It really isn't reached at first because the feed swells over several hours. Then when you stir it that time should be a closer feeling to what your actual thickness may be. Also I think this may vary with foods. After you do it for a while you will know the feeling you like to have. So fiddle a bit adding a few sprinkles of food or increments of water, remembering the food will swell. I kept it covered in water at first and what a messy pain. So always leave room for swelling. It's really fun when you can hear the air escape.

Yes of course! Glad I could help! I'm a very numbers driven person myself and I spent a total of about 8 hours over the course of last week figuring out the $ per % of protein per lb of feed of various brands and grains because... why not? I do all the budgeting in our house and get all the bills paid, constructed our path to retirement, all of that. My captain thinks I'm a mad wizard. :p
Ah, good to hear... Me to. You would not believe how many labels I have read and compared both ingredients and nutrients. I have worked very hard to handle our finances.
But hubby won't be able to retire until he's 52, 2 more years. I was proud to say, up until last week, we were debt free aside from our relatively small mortgage. Now I owe $45k on a truck!
Thinking about getting a plate frame that says "Don't be a hater... It's not paid for!"
Kinda the opposite of don't laugh it's paid for. I'm not gonna lie it's a little uncomfortable to make that kind of commitment.

Your ID makes me curious. My Hubby is an avid reloader.
A pricey hobby giving me great ammo for my chicken keeping expenses.

Which leads back to fermenting... Saves $, increases health, and I enjoy doing. Win, win!!

Husband retiring at 52? Woohoo! That is so wonderful! Especially considering how many Americans have NO money saved and have to depend strictly on social security retirement payouts. That is a great accomplishment! If you ever cruise thru Reddit stop by /r/personalfinance, /r/financialindependence, and /r/leanfire. That's my hangout. The captain and I are still pretty far out but we've been working hard to get what we have. Only have a mortgage, contribute 25% to 401k and have liquid savings. Thank goodness for our emergency fund as he has been out of work for several months now and we've only just now had to dip into it in small amounts. We don't make a lot of money at all and have 3 kids but it just goes to show what a lot of doing without the extras will secure for you.
We hope to get back on track soon when the captain can secure another job. Had us planned for retirement at 52 as well but if it doesn't happen, it's okay, well figure it out.

As for the username, it is not derrived from a secondary hobby of mine or anything. Honestly it's more of a statement? Even tho I live in mid mo, there are many people against being American and want to limit our freedoms in our area. I am a little flamboyant about my beliefs on the subject and eagerly accept being challenged. So, yeah.
@bullets We will see if retirement comes as planned. We already put it off from 50. I may check out reddit, thanks for the suggestion.

Ya, living in Ca you can imagine how many of our rights they have and still want to take away.... While taxing me to pay for their liberal, save the world while our people fail agenda. 1 CA inmate got a judgment against CDCR to make them pay for his sex change operation while he was in a men's prison. Plus already paying for his hormone injections!!!
They promptly booted him out of the system.

Members of my own family can't afford their blood pressure medication even though they abide by the law and work full time. That's our great justice system for you!

Let's give them FF.
Maybe save our tax payers some $$ so we can all retire. I actually have several family members in prison, so I'm not completely like "let them rot". But I do think if you did the crime you should do the time.

Here's to y'all getting back on track sooner than later!

I'm not sure, but your pic looks like you FF might be a little thin, but wow I've never seen it brown like that. Bugs, no problem. Yummy!

Honestly I'm a little concerned about having any rights a citizen of the USA. What every happened to "by the people, for the people"?! Sorry for the rant.
Have you tasted any of those processed birds yet?

Boredom can be a BIG problem for sure. I understand weighing the pros and cons and making the best decision you can. I think that's what we all have to do. Have you checked out other boredom buster suggestions or threads? Just a couple... incorporate a compost/scratching area inside your run, the bugs will come and the birds will enjoy looking for them. Hang treats... broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, what ever.... slightly out of reach so the chickens have to jump to get it, even swinging as they hit it. I have seen my chickens jumping and getting berries off trees.

This is always a learning experience for me as well. I am here to share whatever information I can, but also to absorb as much knowledge as possible. The hard part is keeping it all sorted out!
Sorry for the delay in responding. I haven't made a meal out of the chickens yet but I did use a couple for broth for my soups. By the time that was ready the meat was falling off the bone tender. Having been raised vegetarian it may be a while before I can face the prospect of baked chicken or something like that. Chicken and dumplings I can see as possible... absolutely no individuality there. As for taste of the meat when I tested it there was so much flavor from the onion and such that I couldn't tell you how the chicken itself compares to the store bought.

As for the boredom buster threads - I see some possibilities. As far as hanging something up for them to pick at the first step is to get the ladder back so that I can make a placement that would be sturdy enough. The hen house is in a covered run - the hen house itself is 6 feet tall and the lean-to roof is a good three feet above that.

One thing I do is feeding the weeds from the garden to the birds every time I work out there. Since my garden is almost entirely weeds right now that means a lot of green stuff for the taking. My birds tend to go crazy over that tangy taste of sour grass. They also seem to like the taste of horse mint. At the moment I can't remember the proper name for either one.

I've made arrangements to have 4 more of the cockerels processed leaving me with one bantam and one Welsummer cockerel along with the pullets.

For now some rest since the day starts early tomorrow.
I just processed to of my cockerels and their is a definite chickier (?) taste and more chew than the store birds. I didn't know if my family was going to be able to eat it or not but they really liked it. So we ate one and put one in the freezer. I have nine more that needs processed but am waiting to see if I can lay my hands on a pressure canner first.

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