FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

The biggest thing I have noticed with my FF (or rather my chickens).

They aren't hungry. Not just they eat less ... they are NEVER hungry.

Before anyone thinks maybe they don't like the feed, a), I know my chickens and they are truly not hungry, not 'hungry but disappointed in what they get' ... and b) for those that need more, I actually tried some dry feed like they used to have to prove the point and they didn't go for that either.

I feed "all they will eat" twice a day, always have. Usually they mob me for it, "Oh goody mummy's here!!":wee:celebrate:ya:drool

Now they're like "Oh ... she's back ... gee did we finish breakfast yet?? ... Oh well I guess I'll have another peck or two but ...":confused: Don't they love me anymore??:th:hit:lau
Feeding FF is ok in moderation. The best way to give fermented feed is to soak whole oats in a bucket keep topped off with water. Wait till there golden and stinky and feed with ther daily feed mix. They won't go bad, chicks love em
The biggest thing I have noticed with my FF (or rather my chickens).

They aren't hungry. Not just they eat less ... they are NEVER hungry.

Before anyone thinks maybe they don't like the feed, a), I know my chickens and they are truly not hungry, not 'hungry but disappointed in what they get' ... and b) for those that need more, I actually tried some dry feed like they used to have to prove the point and they didn't go for that either.

I feed "all they will eat" twice a day, always have. Usually they mob me for it, "Oh goody mummy's here!!":wee:celebrate:ya:drool

Now they're like "Oh ... she's back ... gee did we finish breakfast yet?? ... Oh well I guess I'll have another peck or two but ...":confused: Don't they love me anymore??:th:hit:lau

This is exactly what mine are doing. I am now just soaking them over night and feeding it in the am/pm.
Snarky feathery things...
Chickens will not starve them self to death. Are they out free ranging during the day? I wouldn't worry about it, just try feeding them once a day for a while.
Oh I'm not really worried about them starving themselves ... my feed bill certainly is happy!

In fact I'm glad they are more content. They are laying well, (Kira laid twice the day before yesterday!!) which I think is a good sign.

Besides, like I said, I tried them on their normal feed and they didn't go for that either. They're just really full I think.

I do wonder how they do on so little though, I'm watching them long term in case there is some trace nutritional factor they run short of. I'm not expecting that, but I'll still watch.

So far I'm completely happy with the FF ... I guess the chickens know best how much they need.

They usually free range during the day, but right now they are in a "Lay in your nest box please" training phase and are locked in most of the day. If I can identify who has already laid I let that hen out immediately, and I get the roosters out first thing, but other hens don't get let out until 4:00pm (Because Kira will cross her legs and try to hold it). This is a temporary phase ... I'm not sure who is more upset, them from being locked up or me from being guilty about it ...

So at any rate they are not simply feeding themselves more bugs.

On the other hand, although the poop is still wetter, the bits of grain have disappeared now, its all fine again!
PH of my fermented whole grain's liquid is 4.5.

PH of the water prior to use is (to my surprise) 6. (Its rain water, which is normally 7 here, but its collecting in a bucket I mixed tannin in last year, the bucket is a little "Tea-stained", so I guess there is still some tannic acid in it after all).

Fermentation time is hard to say, as I am topping up every day. I have about 1.5 gallons of mix sitting there: I use and replace about 4 cups a day. So there is 4-5 days or so feed involved, ranging from 0-5 days old shall we say? Average age 2.5 days?

I would not be at all surprised if your rain water is on the acid side. (Acid rain!)
I have the girls penned up in the big run today because of the new fence going in.
They seem to be back to eating the FF.

So I am guessing that they would rather forage when they can. I didn't think they were eating enough when out running in the front yard. I was wrong.
Be careful when feeding fermented feed as it can make a bird to lean, best to feed with normal yard feed. Another thing, chickens need more then just lay pellets to be at there best. Most if not all commercial chicken feed is all vegetarian. Chickens are not vegetarians. They need animal protien. I feed a balanced Gamecock mix that has grains and high protien pellets that have fish meal and fish oil along with other good protien sources. I can post a pic of my yard feed if anyone wants to see. I've fed fermented food as there only food source in the pas. I used Soybean meal corn wheat and oats. Got my protien level from the soy and added RedCell once a week to there ration. They did good in the beginning but just got to lean. I've also fermented lay pellets but I didn't like the mess, and I made mine thick. I still feed fermented oats as the only food source once a week with RedCell added and my chickens are very healthy. Nice red heads shiny feathers and good solid bodies. You need to learn to know how a chicken should feel when handling him. As you don't want them fat or skinny. If you feel between there vent and end of keel there's a gap if you squeeze it shouldn't have a thick feel to it. if you can feel an inch or more there to fat. Same with skinny birds, if you can feel the breast bone there to lean you want a full firm breast not wet to feel.
Be careful when feeding fermented feed as it can make a bird to lean, best to feed with normal yard feed. Another thing, chickens need more then just lay pellets to be at there best. Most if not all commercial chicken feed is all vegetarian. Chickens are not vegetarians. They need animal protien. I feed a balanced Gamecock mix that has grains and high protien pellets that have fish meal and fish oil along with other good protien sources. I can post a pic of my yard feed if anyone wants to see. I've fed fermented food as there only food source in the pas. I used Soybean meal corn wheat and oats. Got my protien level from the soy and added RedCell once a week to there ration. They did good in the beginning but just got to lean. I've also fermented lay pellets but I didn't like the mess, and I made mine thick. I still feed fermented oats as the only food source once a week with RedCell added and my chickens are very healthy. Nice red heads shiny feathers and good solid bodies. You need to learn to know how a chicken should feel when handling him. As you don't want them fat or skinny. If you feel between there vent and end of keel there's a gap if you squeeze it shouldn't have a thick feel to it. if you can feel an inch or more there to fat. Same with skinny birds, if you can feel the breast bone there to lean you want a full firm breast not wet to feel.

I've been using FF for over 4 years now, and have never had issue with my birds being too lean.

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